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Questions tagged [esri-leaflet]

esri-leaflet is an open source plugin for leafletjs, providing a lightweight set of tools for using ArcGIS services with leaflet

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2 answers

add marker using esri leaflet

I want to add a marker using esri leaflet cart, My code to add a marker using mapbox is given as follow: var marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(lat, long), { icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon({ ...
Majdi Taleb's user avatar
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Leaflet: e.layer doesn't work with L.Marker or esri.featurelayer?

I have a layer of centerpoints derived from polygons via an OnEachFeature event. The first part of the behavior I'm looking for is for the polygon associated with that centerpoint to change style ...
GeoJoeK's user avatar
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Leaflet: Polygon center objects that are useable by MarkerCluster

Is there there a way to add centerpoints created via .getCenter() within an onEachFeature event (see below) to an L.Marker, or similar, object that contains all of the centerpoints created on that ...
GeoJoeK's user avatar
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How can I tell if a Leaflet layer is currently visible?

I'm building a Leaflet plugin that adds/removes layers to/from a Leaflet map. My plugin needs to know if a given layer is visible on-screen. So far, I've come up with the following criteria that a ...
colbin8r's user avatar
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Updating a D3 Map sample

I spotted a nice D3 Map & Chart sample that is using leaflet-0.5 d3.v3 I would like to make use of some features in the esri-leaflet package (specifically use a Vector basemap), but I believe I ...
jakc's user avatar
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Customize tiles - Esri Leaflet

I'm using the last version of Esri Leaflet with labels: L.esri.basemapLayer('ImageryLabels').addTo(map); How can I customize the labels layer? For example, I'd like to change the font or the color.
Bacchus's user avatar
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How to use Esri Leaflet javascript Plugin with TypeScript

My Aurelia project in TypeScript uses Leaflet for mapping. While Leaflet has typings the esri-leaflet plugin does not and is just javascript. How do I use / import the javascript plugin in my ...
John Little's user avatar
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ESRI leaflet missing tiles

Here's the page I'm working on. Just click on "Forecasts" tab. On Chrome and FF browsers. Once on the forecasts tab, you'll see a map below the text links. Much of ...
user1610717's user avatar
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Remove Dynamic Layer Esri Leaflet

I add DynamicLayers Leaflet Esri as you zoom in on the map. However I want to remove them and it is not working, it does not give any errors but it does not work. I try mapConsultaView.removeLayer(...
csf's user avatar
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1 answer

Filtering GeoJSON by lat-long in Leaflet

I'm ingesting a large geoJSON file in leaflet with somewhere near 19,000 features (points). This results in a massive amount of clutter on the map and is unmanageable. The goal is to use geolocation ...
blintster's user avatar
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ESRI TileLayer with non-standard 0 zoom does not load in Leaflet

appreciate some assistance with figuring out why ESRI Tile layer does not load in Leaflet? It loads in OpenLayers and of course when using the ESRI JS API, but I'd like to use Leaflet... This is the ...
Cloudstako's user avatar
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1 answer

How to switch layers[] in esri leaflet dynamiclayer

I have a single MapService with multiple layers. I'd like to utilize layer group for changing layers with radio buttons, but want to use it with the layers[] array option rather that creating a single ...
jasonflaherty's user avatar
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1 answer

Using ESRI street maps with Leaflet

How can I integrate the ESRI street maps ( into my leaflet javascript. Following is what I did but the map doesn'...
Kulin Shah's user avatar
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Error message when importing esri-leaflet-renderers to ReactJS+Backbone Cordova app

I've been building a Cordova app as a proof of concept for display about one of my ideas, so far it's been going great and I've come to learn plenty from this experience. I've based my work off of ...
Dixos's user avatar
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Converting result of spatial querying to geoJson or retrieving administrative info (State, Country etc.)

I am trying to convert the selected regions in the following URL (marked in red) into geojson and retrieve administrative info (State, Country etc.)
codejunkie's user avatar

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