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Questions tagged [d3-geo]

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Why doesn't d3 like this GeoJSON file?

Does anyone have any idea why D3 is failing to render the following GeoJSON? <!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <body> <svg width="960" height="720"></svg> &...
jbeard4's user avatar
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D3 globe with country names label layer

I'm struggling to find any example of a D3 globe (or Globe-gl etc.) that has country names as a label layer. I'm essentially looking for this demo
Alexander Huber's user avatar
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How do I update a d3 projection to match zoom transform?

This is my zoom handler for my map: const zoom = d3.zoom() .scaleExtent([1,25]) .translateExtent([[width * -0.5, height * -0.5], [width * 1.5,height*1.5]]) .on('zoom', (ev) => { ...
digitalWestie's user avatar
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How can I animate scale and rotation of d3-geo projection at the same time with different durations and ease functions?

The title is pretty descriptive of my question. I'm trying to find the most idiomatic/easy way to animate the scale and rotation property of a d3-geo projection ( I'...
trumanf_'s user avatar
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What could explain this apparent slowdown on Firefox when using d3-geo projections with React.js?

I'm completely stumped by this, so please let me know if I should tag this differently or post elsewhere - also please let me know if you need more information. I'm working on a project using React ...
trumanf_'s user avatar
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d3-geo: Is there a way to not show the division between territories spanning 180/-180 degrees of longitude?

The question from the title. I'm running a code with D3-geo, Miller projection with .rotate([-10, 0]);, so The US would be on the left side of the map, and Russia entirely on the right side. However, ...
cezarlamann's user avatar
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D3: How to 'rotate' background texture along with the projection

I am building a spinning globe with D3 with a image texture. I have built the globe and spinning it using this.projection = d3.geoOrthographic() .fitExtent([[this.inset, ...
Jagan Veeraraghavan's user avatar
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d3-geo coordinate in feature always returning true

I have a geojson file defined, and I am checking to see whether a coordinate is in the given feature inside that geojson file. No matter what coordinate I plug in to the d3.geocontains() function, ...
nickcoding2's user avatar
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Path elements outside svg [d3-geo, topojson]

I made a choropleth map for freecodecamp project. the g elements start outside the svg parent .graphCont { margin: auto; background-color: beige; box-...
P W's user avatar
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D3 path not showing

I am trying to make some features from a .geojson file render using D3 and D3geo and i am following this as a guide. I don't really know what i am doing since i ...
Kris Biturku's user avatar
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Simplifying a GeoJson FeatureCollection using mapshaper causes issues

More specifically, it causes the same code to render an outline on the map, and only recognizes the last path element when using pointer events. I simplified a continents.json file on mapshaper using ...
Mason Clark's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't import d3-geo package into Node.js TypeScript project

I'm trying to create code to test whether specific latitude/longitude coordinates can be found within various GeoJSON Features. If I do this: import d3 from 'd3-geo'; // or: import * as d3 from 'd3-...
kshetline's user avatar
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