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Questions tagged [bokeh]

Bokeh is a library for interactive visualization (including streaming or large datasets) that targets modern web browsers for presentation, and high level languages such as Python, Scala, and R for use.

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How to integrate Bokeh panel dashboard with Flask

I have created a panel dashboard and I want to integrate it with a Flask app. I have had some success in doing so, but I encountered a problem. When a user logs out and reloads the panel dashboard, it ...
Abhinandan's user avatar
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Deploy Streamlit app into github server, bokeh function get_svg() has error

from bokeh.plotting import figure from import get_svgs fig = figure(title=f'{}', x_axis_label='Time(s)', y_axis_label='Amplitude', width=800, height=400, y_range=(-40, 40)) ...
JudeW's user avatar
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How do I link to an open shadow-root using the anchor tag in the same html document?

Im making some plots using bokeh in python. I want to create a table of contents for the figures and therefore Im using the Div Widget to add some custom html 's and 's to the produced html. However ...
ArvidSteen's user avatar
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Plotting multiple dataframes in a single output using Python Bokeh - how to create legends for each plot in a loop?

I am trying to input a single file that contains data from different packet streams (hence, different time values). I created a dataframe for each time and the data points/columns from each dataframe ...
Brain_overflowed's user avatar
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Hide Bokeh's toolbar (JavaScript)

I'm trying to hide the toolbar from the following Bokeh example without any success: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> ...
Lucas Almeida Carotta's user avatar
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Tooltip('$x','$y') only renders $y on Multichart(Bokeh)

On a Multichart Vbar setup,where the same consolidated dataframe is shared by all the charts,adding hovertooltip on the vbar to indicate the x,y values results in showing only the $y value and not the ...
srt111's user avatar
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Trouble separating instances of bokeh server embedded in flask app

I'm relatively new to using both bokeh and flask and am having some issues with data being shared between instances of my app. I have removed a lot of my code so that I can include it below: import ...
user23846473's user avatar
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How to set the width of a figure in Bokeh?

I can set a figures width by doing: fig.width = 1000 however this gives me a smaller figure if I have more then one yaxis, or if I have text in the yaxis, or if I have a legend on the left or the ...
ArvidSteen's user avatar
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Initializing a Bokeh AjaxDataSource: source callback not receiving parameters on initialization

I have a Bokeh vbar plot in a figure which gets its data from an AjaxDataSource via a JavaScript callback. It works OK after resizing, but initializing the plot fails with a MultiValueDictKeyError, ...
xnx's user avatar
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HTML rendering variable names instead of values - bokeh, flash, python

Embedding multiple bokeh HTML plots into flask the Webpage is presenting variable names instead of values. Any help pls? I am on godaddy VPS Here is the output: {{ div1 | safe }} {{ script1 | safe }} {...
pradeep chodon's user avatar
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Plot events as rectangles with start-end dates along x axis (rectangle width) and magnitude along y axis (rectangle height)

Consider a dummy data set of events df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['category', 'start','end','value','type'], data=[['A','2024-06-01','2024-06-10',0.5,'normal'],['B','2024-05-27','2024-06-16',.8,'normal'],...
ric's user avatar
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Bokeh Config File To Set Defaults Tools

In Bokeh, you can use a .yaml file to set default values for bokeh plot attributes. Is there a way to set the default tools for a plot using a .yaml file? Within a script you can change the plot tools ...
jumpenjack's user avatar
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Control tools in holoviews (bokeh backend) with overlayed plots

This is an extension of How to control active tools in holoviews with bokeh backend, but applied to overlayed plots. It seems like all plots need to specify the same set of tools to get what you want. ...
stublu's user avatar
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Immediately interrupting Bokeh processes using a button click

I'm working on a Bokeh application where I have a function update_data() that performs some time-consuming tasks. I want to add a way to immediately interrupt all ongoing processes when a button is ...
Martin Balaz's user avatar
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Bokeh newer versions does not work with pytrendline, while older versions are unable to install

Im trying to plot trendlines on a graph using pytrendlines, however when i run the code it gives the error AttributeError: unexpected attribute 'render_mode' to Label, similar attributes are ...
Doge's user avatar
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