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Questions tagged [arrays]

An array is an ordered linear data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values, variables, or references), each identified by one or more indexes. When asking about specific variants of arrays, use these related tags instead: [vector], [arraylist], [matrix]. When using this tag, in a question that is specific to a programming language, tag the question with the programming language being used.

11983 votes
150 answers

How can I remove a specific item from an array in JavaScript?

How do I remove a specific value from an array? Something like: array.remove(value); Constraints: I have to use core JavaScript. Frameworks are not allowed.
Walker's user avatar
  • 133k
5722 votes
41 answers

Loop (for each) over an array in JavaScript

How can I loop through all the entries in an array using JavaScript?
Dante1986's user avatar
  • 59.4k
4949 votes
62 answers

How do I check if an array includes a value in JavaScript?

What is the most concise and efficient way to find out if a JavaScript array contains a value? This is the only way I know to do it: function contains(a, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++...
brad's user avatar
  • 75k
4276 votes
34 answers

How to insert an item into an array at a specific index?

I am looking for a JavaScript array insert method, in the style of: arr.insert(index, item) Preferably in jQuery, but any JavaScript implementation will do at this point.
tags2k's user avatar
  • 83.8k
4159 votes
61 answers

Sort array of objects by string property value

I have an array of JavaScript objects: var objs = [ { first_nom: 'Laszlo', last_nom: 'Jamf' }, { first_nom: 'Pig', last_nom: 'Bodine' }, { first_nom: 'Pirate', last_nom: '...
Tyrone Slothrop's user avatar
4107 votes
42 answers

Create ArrayList from array

Element[] array = {new Element(1), new Element(2), new Element(3)}; How do I convert the above variable of type Element[] into a variable of type ArrayList<Element>? ArrayList<Element> ...
Ron Tuffin's user avatar
  • 54.4k
4081 votes
33 answers

Checking if a key exists in a JavaScript object?

How do I check if a particular key exists in a JavaScript object or array? If a key doesn't exist, and I try to access it, will it return false? Or throw an error?
Adam Ernst's user avatar
  • 53.6k
4040 votes
46 answers

Loop through an array in JavaScript

In Java, you can use a for loop to traverse objects in an array as follows: String[] myStringArray = {"Hello", "World"}; for (String s : myStringArray) { // Do something } Can ...
Mark Szymanski's user avatar
3333 votes
51 answers

How can I check if an object is an array? [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a function that either accepts a list of strings, or a single string. If it's a string, then I want to convert it to an array with just the one item so I can loop over it without ...
mpen's user avatar
  • 280k
3073 votes
27 answers

Deleting an element from an array in PHP

Is there an easy way to delete an element from an array using PHP, such that foreach ($array) no longer includes that element? I thought that setting it to null would do it, but apparently it does ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 68.1k
2889 votes
30 answers

How to append something to an array?

How do I append an object (such as a string or number) to an array in JavaScript?
2863 votes
94 answers

Get all unique values in a JavaScript array (remove duplicates) [duplicate]

I have an array of numbers that I need to make sure are unique. I found the code snippet below on the internet and it works great until the array has a zero in it. I found this other script here on ...
Mottie's user avatar
  • 86k
2728 votes
32 answers

How do I determine whether an array contains a particular value in Java?

I have a String[] with values like so: public static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"}; Given String s, is there a good way of testing whether VALUES contains s?
Mike Sickler's user avatar
  • 34.2k
2552 votes
31 answers

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?
bestattendance's user avatar

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