I recently built a static website for a friend of mine and asked me to use vercel to deploy it. When I did the webiste looks like this:https://links-eight-nu.vercel.app/ here is my github: https://github.com/adighiero1/links

I've tried redeploying the website. Checking the logs but it doesn't list any errors.

  • Check the console for errors? I see one
    – j08691
    Commented Jul 5 at 16:50

1 Answer 1


vercel is serving contents of index.html in place of style.css and script.js , you can check it through devtools(network or source tab)

maybe you should add specific routes to vercel.build

"routes": [
{ "src": "/style.css", "dest": "/style.css" },
{ "src": "/script.js", "dest": "/script.js" },
{ "src": "/img/(.*)", "dest": "/img/$1" },
{ "src": "/(.*)", "dest": "/index.html" }


if this dont work , maybe you messed up something is vercel configuration in backend

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