I am working on a project where I need to generate PlantUML diagrams or class diagrams directly from an existing C# project or solution.

My goal is to visualize the architecture and relationships within my codebase for documentation and review purposes, in a way that I can later modify to show suggested changes.

Here is what I've tried so far:

DGML Code Maps: I've used Visual Studio to generate DGML code maps of my projects. While this gives a good visual representation within Visual Studio, it doesn't easily translate to other formats.

Conversion Attempts: I attempted to convert the DGML code map to PlantUML using various tools and even tried asking ChatGPT to assist with the conversion by interpreting the DGML structure. However, this didn't work out well.

Tools and Extensions: I have looked for Visual Studio extensions and other standalone tools that might automatically generate PlantUML diagrams from a C# solution, but I haven’t found anything that fits directly.

What I'm looking for:

Recommendations on tools or methods to automatically generate PlantUML or similar class diagrams from a C# project or solution.

If there are scripts or extensions available for Visual Studio/Visual Studio Code that can facilitate this process.

I know there are some similar StackOverflows open but they seem to be quite outdated at this point.

Any guidance, tool suggestions, or insights into how I might be able to automate this diagram generation would be really appreciated.


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