
I'm trying to update the AutoMapper NuGet package to a newer version. It looks like IMappingEngine, MappingEngine, and ConfigurationStore have been removed and all are throwing a "not defined" error.

Potentially IMapper can replace IMappingEngine? But I'm not sure what the replacement is for ConfigurationStore as I can't find any documentation on this. How do I update my code below?

Private Shared _mapper As IMappingEngine
Private Shared _configurationStore As ConfigurationStore

Private Shared Function AutoMapper() As IMappingEngine

    SyncLock GetType(ModelService)

        If _mapper Is Nothing Then

            _configurationStore = New ConfigurationStore(New TypeMapFactory(), MapperRegistry.Mappers)

            _mapper = New MappingEngine(_configurationStore)

            Dim typeMaps = _configurationStore.GetAllTypeMaps()

            For Each map In typeMaps
                _typeMapDictionary(map.SourceType) = map.DestinationType

        End If

    End SyncLock

    Return _mapper

End Function


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