I've created a incidence map for a city, but now i need to manipulate the legend ( decrease its size, put it bellow the map/graph, insert labels). i've used a json file to plot the territory. Here's my code:

Treatment by epidemiological week

filtro_semana = dados['Epidemiological Week'] >= 1 # to select the week of confirmed cases, manually enter here

df_weekofinterest = dados[filtro_semana] cases_by_neighborhood = df_weekofinterest.groupby('Neighborhood').size().reset_index(name='Cases')

bairros = bairros.rename(columns={'NOME': 'Neighborhood'}) final_map_data = neighborhoods.merge(cases_by_neighborhood, on='Neighborhood', how='left') final_map_data['Cases'] = final_map_data['Cases'].fillna(0).astype(int)

final_map_data = pd.merge(final_map_data, population_data, on='Neighborhood', how='left')

Now let's calculate the incidence of cases per 100,000 inhabitants

final_map_data['Incidence_per_100k'] = (final_map_data['Cases'] / final_map_data['population']) * 100000

Defines the size of the plot

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

Plots all neighborhoods based on the 'Cases' column

final_map_data.plot(column='Incidence_per_100k', cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='black',legend=True, ax=ax)

Plots the entire area of the neighborhood "Arquipélago" with a blue color and transparency

polygons_arquipelago = final_map_data[final_map_data['Neighborhood'] == "Arquipélago"]['geometry'] for polygon in polygons_arquipelago: ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(polygon.exterior, color='blue', alpha=0.5))

Adds neighborhood names

texts = [] labeled_neighborhoods = set() for x, y, label in zip(final_map_data.geometry.centroid.x, final_map_data.geometry.centroid.y, final_map_data['Neighborhood']): if label == "Arquipélago": # Adjusts the position of the label for the "Arquipélago" neighborhood arquipelago_polygon = final_map_data[final_map_data['Neighborhood'] == "Arquipélago"]['geometry'].iloc[0] if not arquipelago_polygon.is_empty: x, y = arquipelago_polygon.centroid.x, arquipelago_polygon.centroid.y if label not in labeled_neighborhoods: texts.append(ax.text(x, y, label, fontsize=4, ha='center', va='center')) labeled_neighborhoods.add(label)

Automatically adjusts the position of the labels to avoid overlaps

adjust_text(texts, arrowprops=None)

Defines the plot limits

ax.set_xlim(final_map_data.total_bounds[0], final_map_data.total_bounds[2]) ax.set_ylim(final_map_data.total_bounds[1], final_map_data.total_bounds[3])

Additional settings


I've tryied to manipulate the legend with Matplotlib but it's not working, it stays the same.

Inserting Legend

if ax.get_legend(): ax.get_legend().set_title('Number of Cases') ax.get_legend().set_bbox_to_anchor((1, 0.5)) # Legend position ax.get_legend().set_frame_on(False) # Remove legend frame ax.get_legend().get_texts()[0].set_fontsize(8) # Font size of values in legend ax.get_legend().set_title('Number of Cases', fontsize=10) # Legend title

Map ploted


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