Out of a sudden I get the following warning when typing in RStudio:

rsession(9608) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.

Everytime when I'm typing in RStudio the warning appears with a different rsession like this:

rsession(9608) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9640) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9641) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9652) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9653) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9655) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9656) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9659) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9661) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9700) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.
rsession(9701) MallocStackLogging: can't turn off malloc stack logging because it was not enabled.

There is an issue about this warning, but I can't find anything related to rstudio. So, I was wondering if anyone knows what this error is and why it happens?

Please note: I'm using a MacBook Pro with Intel Core i5 2020.

  • IOS Memory Leaks? and tools to address, perhaps completely erroneous.
    – Chris
    Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 14:53
  • This started happening to me when I upgraded to macOS 14.2.1. Did you find a fix?
    – n.g.davies
    Commented Jan 21 at 0:15
  • Hi @n.g.davies, Unfortunately, I haven't found a fix. The message still appears to me.
    – Quinten
    Commented Jan 21 at 10:11
  • Thanks @Quinten. Maybe we can compare notes on this. I have a MacBook Pro i7 2019, and use gcc version 13.1.0 (Homebrew GCC 13.1.0). I'm using R 4.3.1; now upgrading to 4.3.2 and will reinstall all packages to see if it helps.
    – n.g.davies
    Commented Jan 21 at 13:00

4 Answers 4


I also had this issue on Sonoma (14.2.1) and solved it by updating R from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2. So that might be the place to start then.


I encountered this same issue after upgrading to macOS Sonoma (14.2.1), running R 4.3.1 and using gcc version 13.1.0 (Homebrew) as my C/C++ compiler.

I was able to fix it by upgrading to R 4.3.2 and reinstalling all R packages (following the approach for "the default library" here).

While doing so, I specifically installed data.table, Rcpp, RcppEigen, and RcppArmadillo from source e.g.:

install.packages(c("data.table", "Rcpp", "RcppEigen", "RcppArmadillo"), type = "source") 

because that is what I normally do on a fresh R install. However, I doubt that this was the critical step.

I am not sure which of these steps is/are the critical ones:

  • reinstalling R;
  • upgrading to 4.3.2;
  • or reinstalling all packages;

but the combination seems to have resolved the problem for me.


I also had this issue, but updating R didn't fix it. However, I was able to solve it by re-installing Rtools


For me it's gone away, probably because of a safe reboot I did trying to solve a different problem.

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