I am using Vue.js 3, Leaflet and Vueleaflet. My map displays the layers groups containing markers (LLayerGroup) :

Map layers groups

I want to add "Select all" / "Unselect all" checkboxes at the top of the groups checkboxes. Is there a way to easily custom Layer and group control element in Vue Leaflet to achieve this ?

Here is my vue template code :

      :options="{ attributionControl: false }"
      v-for="tileProvider in tileProviders"
      <l-control-layers position="topright"></l-control-layers>
          v-for="bGroup in groupsMarkers" 
          :key="bGroup.groupId" layer-type="overlay" :name="bGroup.groupName" :visible="true">
              v-for="marker in bGroup.markers" 