I have a Google Workspace account under my domain, let's call it [email protected]. And I want to upload a file to this drive using NodeJS Drive SDK. According to the formal documentations, I created a service account on my GCP project, and I use a JSON key to authenticate my SDK instance.

When I upload the file, it uploads successfully so that the service-account is the owner of the file, and then I share it with [email protected].

Now since the owner of the file is the service-account the disk-space of the file is taken away from the service-account and not from [email protected].

How can I upload a file on behalf of [email protected] instead of the service-account's?


  • I am guessing you’ll need to do some sort of oauth Commented Oct 29, 2023 at 10:55
  • How exactly do I do it?
    – Forepick
    Commented Oct 29, 2023 at 10:59