I created a customized marker for leaflet locate control and inserted it with this code

      /*button to turn on GPS*/
      //function from leaflet locate control (plugin)
      L.Control.locategpsmarker = L.Control.Locate.extend({
          _drawMarker: function () {

              var icongpsMarker = {
                  iconUrl: 'img2/gps_marker.png',
                  iconAnchor: [18, 18]};

              var startMarker = L.marker(e.latlng, { icon: L.icon(icongpsMarker) });


      /*add geolocation button to map*/
      var lc = new L.Control.locategpsmarker({
          initialZoomLevel: 13,
          locateOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: true }, 
          position: 'topright',
          drawCircle: false,
          showPopup: false,

and got this error for the customized marker

Uncaught ReferenceError: e is not defined
    at i._drawMarker (main.html:119:44)
    at i._onLocationFound (L.Control.Locate.js:772:12)
    at i.fire (Events.js:190:11)
    at i._handleGeolocationResponse (Map.js:729:8)
_drawMarker @ main.html:119
_onLocationFound @ L.Control.Locate.js:772
fire @ Events.js:190
_handleGeolocationResponse @ Map.js:729

Has anybody already put a customized marker to this plugin?

1 Answer 1


The plugin leaflet locate control uses a locationfound event on method onLocationFound to retrieve the fired location when geolocation went successfully.

So If you check onLocationFound, the event data is stored in this._event and the latlng info in this._event.latlng.

You have to use this._event.latLng defining the custom marker:

 var startMarker = L.marker(this._event.latlng, {
      icon: L.icon(icongpsMarker),

But this is no the recommended way to achieve that. It is better to setup the options markerClass and markerStyle to customize the icon:

var icongpsMarker = {
  iconUrl: 'https://leafletjs.com/examples/custom-icons/leaf-green.png',
  iconAnchor: [18, 18],

/*button to turn on GPS*/
//function from leaflet locate control (plugin)
L.Control.locategpsmarker = L.Control.Locate.extend({});

/*add geolocation button to map*/
var lc = new L.Control.locategpsmarker({
  initialZoomLevel: 13,
  locateOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: true },
  position: 'topright',
  drawCircle: false,
  showPopup: false,
  markerClass: L.marker,
  markerStyle: {
    icon: L.icon(icongpsMarker),

I've prepared a complete demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-t6dnt8?file=index.js

  • 1
    I need a bit more help. the marker will not disappear if I switch off the button. which function needs to be edited? i add in the same place as _drawmarker this function ``` stop: function () { this._deactivate(); this._cleanClasses(); this._resetVariables(); this._removeMarker(); if (mymap.hasLayer(gpsMarker)) { mymap.removeLayer(gpsMarker); gpsMarker = undefined; }``` but there is error >>> unexpected identifier "stop"
    – astaga
    Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 14:41
  • 1
    I've edite the response and the stackblitz demo. The optimal way to customize the icon and the solution to your problem is use the options markerClass and markerStyle of the plugin. Commented Oct 3, 2023 at 7:50

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