is there a way to set the opacity of just the tiles using leaflet and OpenStreetMap? I want the map to have 50% opacity, but keep 100% opacity on the markers.

Setting opacity like this, does not work:

var bkgLayer = L.tileLayer.grayscale('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png');

    var map = new L.Map("map", {
                center: new L.LatLng(-31.4, 50.9),
                scrollWheelZoom: false,
                  zoomControl: false,
                  zoom: 5,
                  opacity: 0.5,
                  layers: bkgLayer

2 Answers 2


Normal Leaflet Tile Layer (Grid Layer) has the opacity option.


In your case you are using a special Tile Layer with Leaflet.TileLayer.Grayscale plugin.

However it properly extends the normal Tile Layer behaviour, and its code does not seem to make it incompatible with the opacity option. Therefore it should simply work:

var bkgLayer = L.tileLayer.grayscale('urlTemplate', {
  opacity: 0.75
  • 1
    That was exactly what i wanted, Thanks!
    – perand
    Commented Oct 4, 2021 at 10:44

You can use document.querySelector to access the Leaflet tile pane and set the opacity through style:

const element = document.querySelector(
).style.opacity = 0.5;

Here is a demo I put together on StackBlitz showing how to use Leaflet-Slider to adjust the opacity of the tile layer without altering the markers.

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