I want to use a leaflet plugin called leaflet-geotiff (https://github.com/lifeeka/leaflet.bezier) but I'm using leaflet react. Is it possible for me to convert this plugin to a leaflet-react version?

  • You mention leaflet-geotiff but then you include leaflet-bezier library url. Which of the 2 you want to use?
    – kboul
    Commented Aug 28, 2020 at 11:29
  • Sorry i want to use the Leaflet.bezier
    – rohit
    Commented Sep 8, 2020 at 12:00

1 Answer 1


Install & import leaflet.bezier & snapsvg which is a dependency of the first:

import "snapsvg";
import "leaflet.bezier";

Create a custom react-leaflet component using native leaflet code, place it where the component mounts. Use also the imported plane image to reproduce the example demo:

function LeafletBezier() {
  const { map } = useLeaflet();

  useEffect(() => {
    const dash_straight = {
      color: "rgb(145, 146, 150)",
      fillColor: "rgb(145, 146, 150)",
      dashArray: 8,
      opacity: 0.8,
      weight: "1",
      iconTravelLength: 1,
      iconMaxWidth: 50,
      iconMaxHeight: 50,
      fullAnimatedTime: 7000,
      easeOutPiece: 4,
      easeOutTime: 2500

        path: [
            { lat: 7.8731, lng: 80.7718, slide: "RIGHT_ROUND" }, //Sri Lanka
            { lat: -25.2744, lng: 133.7751, slide: "LEFT_ROUND" }, //Australia
            { lat: 36.2048, lng: 138.2529 } //Japan
            { lat: 7.8731, lng: 80.7718, slide: "RIGHT_ROUND" }, //Sri Lanka
            { lat: 3.139, lng: 101.6869 }
            { lat: 7.8731, lng: 80.7718, slide: "RIGHT_ROUND", deep: "8" }, //Sri Lanka
            { lat: 41.8719, lng: 12.5674 }
            { lat: -25.2744, lng: 133.7751 }, //Australia
            { lat: -40.9006, lng: 174.886 } //Japan
            { lat: 7.8731, lng: 80.7718, slide: "RIGHT_ROUND" },
            { lat: -18.7669, lng: 46.8691 }
        icon: {
          path: plane
  }, []);

  return null;

Use it inside react-leaflet's <Map />:

<Map ...> 
  <LeafletBezier />



Using snapsvg library since a while gives an error

eve is not defined

so use snapsvg-cjs libray instead npm i snapsvg-cjs

and import it using

import Snap from "snapsvg-cjs";
  • Yes it worked thank u bro. what is the use of SnapSVG in this code.
    – rohit
    Commented Sep 11, 2020 at 7:27
  • Please accept the answer if it helped you solve your issue. See this if you are new to SO.
    – kboul
    Commented Sep 11, 2020 at 8:43
  • SnapSVG is used for vector graphics, the plane animation in the particular case
    – kboul
    Commented Sep 11, 2020 at 8:44
  • instead of importing Snap, import "snapsvg-cjs"; Commented Feb 15, 2022 at 15:23

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