I have recently discovered the leaflet package and Flexdashboard and have no troubles using them separately. However when I try to integrate a leaflet map into my Flexdashboard, nothing happens when I try to run my .Rmd The viewer is stuck with the "Please wait..." screen...

I have tried to simplify everything, leaving nothing more than a few packages and a renderLeaflet line but it still won't load.

When using leaflet with shiny but without Flexdashboard I have no loading problem. Neither when using Flexdashboard with other functions.

title: "Untitled"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
  runtime: shiny 
{r setup, include=FALSE}
Column {data-width=500}
renderLeaflet({leaflet() %>%
                addTiles() %>%
                setView(lng = 2.342013, lat = 48.862871, zoom = 12)

I don't get anything after waiting for a while, not even an error message. Did I miss something? Is there an update that I should be looking for?

Thank you for your help

  • I can't seem to reproduce this, your code is rendering both flexdashboard and leaflet in my R instance (After a couple of seconds). (R Version 3.6.0 Beta). Maybe try updating all of your packages and running in a fresh R instance?
    – Snel23
    Commented Oct 13, 2019 at 21:12

1 Answer 1


Ok, in the end I just updated all my packages with


and everything works fine now !

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