• I am using marker cluster group.
  • using that I am able to show two markers.
  • when you click number two which is in red color you will see two markers.
  • after that when I click one marker I need to zoom in two levels to see the location
  • I wrote a marker click for that and in that i added zoom and tried to use fitbounds too, but its not zooming in.
  • we used mapcenter then also it did not work `
  • can you tell me how to fix it.
  • providing my code snippet and sandbox below.


MarkerClick = e => {
console.log("e----->", e);
  viewport: { center: [20, 6], zoom: 7 }
//let bounds = this.refs.mymap.leafletElement.fitBounds();
//console.log("bounds----->", bounds);

  "after setting state zoomlevel bounds showCard--->",

// this.setState({ zoom: 18 });

//this.setState({ zoomLevel: 7 });


1 Answer 1


The Zoom value you have used in MarkerClick() is lower than the current zoom value (zoom = 8). Hence you are not getting proper zoom. Use Zoom = 14 or 16 and a different set of co-ordinates instead of [20,6].

For Example:

MarkerClick = e => {
          viewport: { center: [43.39528702235596, 6.294845731267186], zoom: 16 }