I'm using leaflet for my project and I want to use filter marker in it. To do it, I will setOpacity to 0 for all markers and re setOpacity to 1 for my targets. I know leaflet allow to setOpacity for each market but can I set all markers at the same time? Thanks for your help!

1 Answer 1


There are many ways to achieve that

In leaftlet

Create a layer group and add each marker to this group :

var myGroup = L.layerGroup([mark1, mark2, ...]);

You can add the entire group to the map.

Then, when you want to set marker opacity to 0 do :

myGroup.eachLayer(function(layer) {

A little jsfiddle example here :


In pure javascript

Store all your markers in an array. First create an array :

var allMarkers = [];

And when you create a new marker push it in this array :

var marker = L.marker(...);

Then, when you have to set opacity to 0 :

allMarkers.forEach(function(marker) {
  • I tried pure, just with the setIcon() function JS variation (even before I saw this forum, so I started to dig up) and it did not worked for me... I get error: marker.setOpacity is not a function ... Commented Sep 27, 2019 at 12:16
  • @la_femme_it Dobrý den, maybe "marker" object is not actually a marker type ?
    – csblo
    Commented Oct 1, 2019 at 11:47
  • it is. It did worked with leaflet built in functions :) Might be Zeppelin specific issue, I do not know. Javascript is waaay out of my league. Hezky den Commented Oct 1, 2019 at 11:48
  • For the future, for whatever reason, m.setOpacity(NUM) didn't work for me ("not a function"), even though that's what the docs say, but inspecting the marker element and using m.setStyle({opacity: NUM}) worked. Commented Jun 17 at 2:05

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