I recently learned about leafletjs.com from an R-Bloggers.com post. One such tutorial that I would like to achieve is to create interactive choropleth maps with leaflet (http://leafletjs.com/examples/choropleth.html). I have been using the rjson package for R to create the data.js file to be read by leaflet. Although I have had success with using the provided shape file as a readable JSON file in leaflet, I am unable to repeat the process when trying to merge additional properties from the data frame ("data.csv") to the JSON file; in this case, I have done rGIS to attach data on the number of cans in each school listed in the data frame. What I would please like to achieve is to create a choropleth map in leaflet that displayes high school district (as identified by the NAME variable), and the sum of "cans". The issue, I believe, is that writeOGR exports the information as points, rather than polygon?

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
        "name": "Alabama",
        "density": 94.65
    "geometry": ...

    ###load R scripts from dropbox
    dropbox.eval <- function(x, noeval=F) {
    intext <- getURL(paste0("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/",x), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
    intext <- gsub("\r","", intext)
    if (!noeval) eval(parse(text = intext), envir= .GlobalEnv)

    ##pull scripts from dropbox 

    ##load packages

    ###setup data frames

    ###prepare GIS shape and data for plotting
    temp <- tempfile()
    dlshape(shploc="http://files.hawaii.gov/dbedt/op/gis/data/highdist_n83.shp.zip", temp)
    shape<- readOGR(".","highdist_n83") #HDOE high school districts  

    shape2<- spTransform(shape, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83"))

    data.2<-ddply(data, .(year, schoolcode, longitude, latitude,NAME,HDist,SDist), summarise,
            total = sum(total),
            cans= sum(cans))

    ###merging back shape properties and data frame
    coordinates(data.2) <-~longitude + latitude
    shape2@data$id <- rownames(shape2@data)

    sh.df <- as.data.frame(shape2)

    sh.fort <- fortify(shape2 , region = "id" )

    sh.line<- join(sh.fort, sh.df , by = "id" )

    mapdf <- merge( sh.line , data.2 , by.x= "NAME", by.y="NAME" , all=TRUE)

    mapdf <- mapdf[ order( mapdf$order ) , ]

    ###exporting merged data frame as JSON
mapdf.sp <- mapdf
coordinates(mapdf.sp) <- c("long", "lat")
writeOGR(mapdf.sp, "hssra.geojson","mapdf", driver = "GeoJSON")

However, it appears that my features are repeating itself constantly. How can I aggregate the features information so that it looks more like the following:

var statesData = {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[

  • Thank you for the edits. It looks much more to the point and clean. :)
    – yokota
    Commented Jun 19, 2013 at 20:36

1 Answer 1


I ended up solving this question.

What I basically did was basically join the data.2 df to the shape file: (shape2@data<-join(shape2@data,data.2)

and then using rgdal package to writeOGR in JSON format (using JSON driver) with the *.js extension.

I hope this helps others.

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