I have extended my leaflet object by setting two now attributes: - Value - Name

var customMarker = L.Marker.extend({
                options: {
                name: '',
                value: ''

Then I call this method:

              pointToLayer: function(feature,geometry){
                var marker = new customMarker(geometry);
                marker.value = donnees[feature.properties.Index];
                marker.name = feature.properties.Index;
                console.log("name : "+marker.name+" volume : "+marker.volume)
                return marker;

But I noticed that not all the marker.value are stored in my markers. some have unidentified as value.

2 Answers 2


What you are doing is creating new options in your extended L.Marker. You can set options during instanciation of your marker. Simple example:

// Extending marker with custom option
L.Marker.Custom = L.Marker.extend({
     options: {
          customValue: false

// Instanciating without custom option:
var marker = new L.Marker.Custom([0,0]);
console.log(marker.options.customValue); //false

// Instanciating with custom option:
var marker = new L.Marker.Custom([0,0], {
    customValue: true
console.log(marker.options.customValue); //true

Thing is, that if you only need to have some custom options, there is no need to extend L.Marker but you can simply instanciate L.Marker with a custom option:

// Instanciating regular L.Marker with custom option:
var marker = new L.Marker([0,0], {
    customValue: true
console.log(marker.options.customValue); //true

You only need to extend L.Marker when you need a default value for your custom option.


Looks like just JS issue. In your donnes array you don't have all the indexes you are trying to access

marker.value = donnees[feature.properties.Index];

that's why you get undefined in marker.value Check if donnees[feature.properties.Index] doesn't give you undefined and only then return a proper marker

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