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Send WhatsApp Message from C#

Viewed 2k times
1 min read
Part of Twilio Collective

So, I'm gonna make this a short story rather than an article on 'How to send WhatsApp Messages from C# using Twilio'?


Before you start coding, you'll need to gather your Twilio account credentials.

  • Login to Twilio and Save these details to authenticate

Twilio Creds

  • Sandbox Opt-in Message

Send “join <your sandbox keyword>” to your Sandbox number in WhatsApp to join your Sandbox, and we’ll reply with a confirmation that you’ve joined. Your sandbox keyword can be found in the console.

![Twilio Sandbox](hps:// "Twilio Sandbox")


using System;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Types;
using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account;
using System.Linq;

public class WhatsAppMessenger : IMessenger
        private readonly string accountSid;
        private readonly string authToken;
        private readonly string fromNumber;
        private readonly List<string> userNumbers;

        public WhatsAppMessenger()
            accountSid = "ACCOUNT_SID";
            authToken = "AUTH_TOKEN";
            fromNumber = "whatsapp:+XXXXXXXXX";
            userNumbers = new List<string>

        public void SendMessage(string body)
            userNumbers.ForEach(num =>
                this.SendMessage(num, body);
        private bool SendMessage(string toNumber, string body)
            bool isSuccess = false;
                TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);

                var messageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions(
                                        new PhoneNumber(toNumber));
                messageOptions.From = new PhoneNumber(fromNumber);
                messageOptions.Body = body;

                var message = MessageResource.Create(messageOptions);
                Console.WriteLine($" Status : {message.Status} , Error : {message.ErrorMessage}");

                isSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Some exception occured : {ex.ToString()}");
            return isSuccess;

public interface IMessenger
        void SendMessage(string body);


WhatsApp Message Received

This got me super excited and can't wait to explore and code more.

Additionally, please check out for more reference.
