Student Grades

Students can view their available grades on their unofficial transcripts in Path@Penn

Grades are posted to a student record as they are received and are available to view on the unofficial transcript shortly after instructors submit grades. Grades are due from instructors based on the following schedule:

Fall Term

Due by 5pm Eastern Time on the first university business day after winter break.

Spring Term Due by 12 noon Eastern Time three days after the last day of final exams.
Summer Sessions Due by 12 noon Eastern Time three days after the last day of classes.

Grade Changes

Grade changes are initiated by faculty and must be approved by the student’s school. Changes are posted to a student record by the Office of the University Registrar within one to two business days after receipt of the approved grade change notice from the school. 

Students should contact their school offices regarding the status of grade changes

Grade Mode Changes (formerly known as Grade Type)

Students can use Path@Penn to change a course to pass/fail or to standard grading options until the add deadline each semester. After the add deadline, students can only request changes to their grade mode using the Grade Mode Change form in Path Forms

Grading Policy 

Grading rules and policies are determined by the respective schools. The University Catalog lists grade and GPA related policies for undergraduate students.

The Pennbook includes the Faculty Authority to Assign Grades and Academic Integrity policy.

Grades and Transcripts 

Grades will appear on your transcript within one to two business days after they are posted to a student record.

Please note if you are on a “hold�� you may not have access to your transcript or be able to view your grades on Path@Penn. Assistance with  removing a hold on your record is dependent on the type of hold:

Type of Hold Contact Office
Financial, Graduation, Loan Exit Counseling  Student Financial Services,
Collections  Student Accounts: Collections,
Immunization Student Health and Counseling,
Advisor Sign-Off Your assigned academic advisor
Judicial Office of Student Conduct
Transcript Office of the University Registrar,

*Grades and GPAs are not disclosed over the phone or via email. 

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