Submit for #SPSP2025, get to know the new Student Committee, and more!


SPSP Student Committee SPSPotlight Mentoring Awards Networking Events

Highlights for June 2024

A group of graduating students, shown in silhouette, throw their graduation caps into the air.

Introducing the New 2024-2025 SPSP Student Committee - Part 1

Check out this first installment in our two-part series for SPSPotlight, highlighting the new SPSP Student Committee!

A closeup photo of a person's feet, shown from behind, while on a walk through a forest.

5 Ways Going Outside Can Be Healing for Students

Are you recovering from a long academic year? Don’t underestimate the benefits of spending time in the great outdoors! Learn more in this month's SPSPotlight feature from newsletter Co-Editor Milena Dasilva-Braga.

SPSP 2025 Annual Convention Graphic

Submit an Abstract for #SPSP2025 Today!

SPSP is now accepting submissions for the 2025 Annual Convention! Whether you prepare a poster, single paper talk, data blitz, or one of our other programming types, presenting research at the SPSP Annual Convention gives you the opportunity to connect with leading personality and social psychologists. Read more on our website and submit today!


Submission Deadlines:

  • July 11, 11:59 PM PT - Podium presentations (includes Single Paper, Data Blitz, Symposium, and Professional Development)
  • September 12, 11:59 PM PT - Posters and Roundtable Unconferences
A closeup shot of two students' hands as they sit at a desk and write together.

#SPSP2025 Abstract Check - Now Accepting Submissions!


Would you like to have someone read your SPSP 2025 abstract before submission? The SPSP Student Committee is here to help! Submit your abstract for our review between June 13 - August 12, 2024 and we will provide feedback (e.g., clarity, grammar, spelling, flow).


This year, the Student Committeehas two different deadlines for abstract review depending on the submission format:

  • July 2, 11:59 PM PT: Podium presentations
  • August 12, 11:59 PM PT: Posters and Roundtable Unconferences

Reviews of abstracts will be returned back to you based on the SPSP submission window. Questions? Please feel free to contact us at !

A person is sitting at a desk, wearing headphones, having joined a virtual meeting and is looking at a second monitor.

Get Ready for Summer Student Writing Groups


Want to achieve your writing goals this summer and joining a community with your fellow SPSP student members? Don't miss our Summer Writing Groups! These two-hour drop-in sessions, held bimonthly via Zoom, give students the opportunity to write in a shared space. Participants begin by sharing their goals for the day before beginning their work. At the end of the session, participants share how their writing time went.


Our next writing groups will be held on July 2 from 2 - 4 PM CT and on July 19 from 10 AM - 12 PM CT. Pre-registration is required, so stay tuned for a link to sign up in the coming days!


SPSP Free-Form Friday Banner

Apply to Host a SPSP Free-Form Friday!


SPSP is now seeking submissions for Free-Form Friday topics! These small, virtual meeting rooms are an excellent opportunity for SPSP members to connect and discuss areas of shared interest. Designed by and for SPSP members, these sessions can focus on spotlighting new research, developing new skills, or sharing best practices with colleagues.


Is there a topic you would like to see discussed at an upcoming Free-Form Friday? Fill out the host application form below and send us your idea! Questions? Contact SPSP Communications & Public Relations Manager Stephen Waldron at .



Society for Personality and Social Psychology

1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 280 Washington, DC 20036

(202) 869-3240

Higher Logic