Women & Technology


A new efficient photocatalyst for cleaning air of VOC's

By Nano-solution team is destroying VOC's

Team Leader

Ing. Jessy Narvaez Mejía

Basic Information

Our Solution

A new efficient photocatalyst for cleaning air of VOC's

Our solution's stage of development:


Our solution:

Reduce emissions of volatile organic pollutants into the atmosphere. Improve the photocatalytic properties of carbon dioxide doped Titanium Dioxide and rare earths for low visible light. Create an easily accessible technology to clean the atmosphere and improve the quality of life.

Our pitch:

Growing concern about pollutants, in particular volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has led to the search for alternatives to reduce emissions and thus reduce the greenhouse effect.

Photocatalysis unlike air cleaning technologies like filtration and sorption degrades the compounds and not only retain them.

In this study a new photocatalyst composed of a semiconductor doped with carbon dots and rare earths with the objective of degrading toluene as a model of VOC's harmful compounds as a result of carbon dioxide and water, harmless to health.

This becomes an accessible, environmentally friendly technology because its precursors are non-toxic and efficient when using sunlight as a source of energy. To the reach and benefit of all.

This project will be developed with the support of the academy, with the contribution of the University of Gdansk of Poland and the National Polytechnic School of Ecuador, along with the work of Proysermesa Cía. Ltda and NEO in favor of science and sustainability.


The problem:

The creation of this project is one hundred percent focused on preventing, controlling and minimizing emissions into the atmosphere of VOCs from the industrial park.

Why our solution will solve the problem:

Outside of academic research we believe that this is the solution because we are all affected by excess air pollution. Being an eco-friendly technology, it allows to develop without any restriction on a large scale and uses a renewable energy source. Its installation is simple and is a material that could be added as a construction measure or in vehicles without major discomfort for the users.

Target Outcomes

Our target outcomes:

The implantation of photo catalysts in the industrial area allows to minimize the emissions to the atmosphere of pollutants that affect the environment and the health of the population in general.
This technology is focused on reducing VOC emissions, with the sole objective of improving the quality of life and environmental quality.
For the execution of this project, it is planned to develop the research and design phase with the help of the National Polytechnical School, and after that propose and establish agreements with the industrial sector of the country, which focuses primarily on the project.

How we will measure our progress:

  • Outcome: Volume of VOC emissions and percentage of degradation
    Measurement Plan: Rate of degradation of VOCs
  • Outcome: Number of implementations of the technology offered
    Measurement Plan: Percentage of sales or agreements within the industrial park to reduce pollution.
  • Outcome: Number of strategic alliances with construction companies or vehicles.
    Measurement Plan: Increase in annual patent sales

The populations we will benefit initially:

  • Child
  • Adult
  • Doctoral
  • Non-binary
  • Urban

The regions we will benefit initially:

  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Latin America and the Caribbean

The technologies we employ:

  • Environmental engineering
  • Materials & nanotechnology
  • Physics

Why our solution is unique:

Toluene is an aromatic hydrocarbon used for medicaments manufacture, antiknock in fuel and as solvent for paints. In this solution CDots were made by Sucrose and Citric acid that means is possible to get them by a simple and not toxic way. This new composite TiO2_Cdots_Tb were used in order to degrade toluene as model of Volatile Organic Compound  we obtained around 75 % of Toluene photodegradation under visible light. For that it's a really good option use this material over exhaust pipe. A new option for COV’s reduction and help to decrease the climate change.


Why our solution is human-centered:

Globally air pollution has become a problem on a large scale due to the growth of the automotive fleet and industry.Toluene and volatile substances that are associated with the involvement of brain areas involved in addiction, memory and learning in humans and various molecular, biochemical and structural alterations in the hippocampus of adolescents and adults. So if we can use  carbon dots (C-Dots) which are  very useful when degrading volatile organic compounds under sunlight and their synthesis is non-toxic and does not generate by-products 

How people will access our solution:

This project is developed from the research generated with the support of students from universities which are working in research projects, which allows better results by achieving high levels of efficiency in the product to be developed, thus allowing the project to be viable.
It will be possible to access the final product created by direct interaction with the customer, that is, through direct visits to the industries, since it is specifically addressed to the industrial sector in general of the country.

Technology-Readiness Level:

1-3 (Formulation)
Business Plan

How we will sustain our team financially:

We're going to get sponsorship from universities to conclude with research and draft prototype outlines.
Promote the advantages of having a cleaner atmosphere
Provide the service of advising the operation of the new photocatalysts.
Those 3 activities will generate scholarships and financing with which the project can be sustainable in the beginning.

The factors limiting our success:

Not having the financial resources to execute the project.

Not possessing sufficient human resources.

Not having facilities that allow the development of the research and the elaboration of the product.


How long we have been working on our solution:

1 year

How long it will take to develop a pilot:

18+ months

How long it will take to scale beyond our pilot:

18+ months

Our expected annual budget:


How much of our budget we've secured to date:


Partnership Needs

We're looking for partners in these fields:

  • Technology Access
  • Healthcare Delivery
  • Net-zero Carbon

Why we're applying to Solve:

We are applying because we have seen in Solve the opportunity to communicate to industry, academia and consumers in general an ecological alternative for the reduction of organic pollutants
Create strategic alliances to improve accessibility to technology
Together reduce the effects of climate change

Our current partners:

Currently our collaborators were the University of Gdansk in Poland and the National Polytechnic School in Ecuador.

Also we were working thanks to PROYSERMESA Cía. Ltda y NEO Science and sustainability

Solution Team

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