CAST Reports


The Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) has conducted a series of analyses of various categories of aviation accidents and incidents through its Joint Safety Analysis Teams (JSATs), Joint Safety Implementation Teams (JSITs), and Joint Safety Analysis & Implementation Teams (JSAITs). The Safety Enhancements on the CAST Plan are a product of these Teams.

The following are public versions of the reports. Additional reports from both past and future Teams will be posted as they become available.

Airplane State Awareness (ASA)

ASA JSAT Report June, 2014

ASA JSIT Report June, 2014

RNAV Departures and STAR Operations

RNAV/STAR JSAIT Report February, 2015

Runway Excursion (RE)

RE JSAIT Report February, 2015

Takeoff Misconfiguration (TOMC)

TOMC JSAIT Report June, 2018

Approach and Landing Misalignment (ALM)

ALM JSAIT Report, December 2021

Approach and Landing Go-Around (ALG)

ALG JSAIT Report, December 2022

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