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Questions tagged [iis-7]

IIS7 is the version of Microsoft's web server software released with Windows Server 2008.

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spawn process from php in windows that does not wait for command to complete

How can i spawn a process from PHP 5.6.40 running on Windows IIS7 that returns immediately ? I've tried the following but it waits for the command to complete : exec("start ping -n 3 &...
Barny's user avatar
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python.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout

I'm trying to host a Flask (Python) application on a Windows server, but it was giving me request timeout error, then I changed it to 300 seconds (5 minutes), and after that, it's giving me an ...
Ankit Tiwari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

IIS Send 200 Instead of 405 when POST to a Static File

I am trying to deploy a static network speed test application. IIS need to behave like This Nginx Config. Everything working fine, but I need to send 200 instead of 405. When Running Upload Test. (...
user3642342's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is IE showing certificate popup when authentication mode in IIS is anonymous?

I have a website deployed on IIS server. The authentication mode is set to anonymous: enabled. When I enter the website url and hit enter button, IE is showing me a certificate popup asking me to ...
variable's user avatar
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IIS get real client IP Address when behind a AWS Elastic load balancer

I have a IIS server behind a AWS Elastic load balancer. I want retrieve the real client ip address set into x-forwarded-for header from AWS Elastic load balancer. I have found this setting for enable ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
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2 answers

IIS not picking up on changes made to my code

Why doesn't my iis Server pick up changes to local code? I've changed both css/js files and changed some images but iis just doesn't update anything on the website. I've tried restarting the website ...
user3717206's user avatar
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using appcmd to set physical path of a website

How can I use appcmd in IIS7 to set the physical path of a website? Something like... appcmd set site summit /[path='/'].path:c:\newpath
John Livermore's user avatar
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Is it possible to create an IIS Reverse proxy with built-in credentials?

I've got... a strange customer request. They have a specific custom site that requires authentication. I cannot make changes to this site. They are showing a specific page from that site on a web-...
MBender's user avatar
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Configure IIS 7 to create a Windows event on HTTP error (or to trigger an action)

How to configure IIS 7 so it creates a Windows event every time an HTTP error occurs? The closest thing I found is this:
Honza Zidek's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Restrict IIS application to only Domain Users

I am trying to restrict access to a website that is hosted locally on a Windows Server 2008, running IIS7. I would like only users apart of the domain to be able to access the URL. What is the best ...
Vine's user avatar
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Installing SSL certificate on remote website hosted on IIS 7

I want to generate a CSR and install an SSL certificate for my website. I just found out that my webmaster hosted it on IIS 7 so it's different from what I'm used to. I've set up IIS 10 and want to ...
admiralchip's user avatar
-2 votes
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Create Certificate using ssh_keygen and letsEncrypt for IIS

I am pretty new to public-private key and creating certificates so I wanted to write out my thinking and see if I have the correct approach. 1) Use ssh_keygen to create a key pair. I have basic git-...
heyNow's user avatar
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Pin point 500 Error which seems to orginating from FastCGI Module

I have a php application which I have been hosting on IIS that has suddenly stopped working and returns a server 500 error. In an attempt to troubleshoot it I have added a Failed Request Tracing Rule ...
Niana 's user avatar
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IIS 7 URL Rewrite Only If No File Nor Subdirectory Nor Query String

(I posted this question on StackOverflow because searches for an answer showed related questions on StackOverflow, which got answers and many upvotes. But my question so far earned a downvote and an "...
Dronz's user avatar
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I have 2 domains on an IIS and have installed 2 separate ssls yet my one domain is saying the ssl is from the other domain

I have 2 domains. I installed two seperate ssls. I am using IIS7 I need to know how to get my domain to recognize the other ssl
Michael Downey's user avatar

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