IRLAB Therapeutics AB

IRLAB Therapeutics AB

Forskning inom bioteknik

A clinical-stage biopharma discovering and developing novel treatments for the most troublesome symptoms of Parkinson's.

Om oss

IRLAB discovers and develops novel treatments of Parkinson’s disease and other CNS disorders. The company's most advanced drug candidates, mesdopetam (IRL790) and pirepemat (IRL752), are in Phase IIb and are designed to treat some of the most difficult symptoms related to Parkinson's . In 2021, Ipsen, a specialty pharma company, acquired exclusive global rights to the development and commercialization of mesdopetam. IRLAB has discovered and generated all its drug candidates and continues to discover innovative drug candidates for the treatment of CNS disorders through its proprietary systems biology-based Integrative Screening Process (ISP) research platform. In addition to IRLAB’s strong clinical pipeline, the company is also progressing two preclinical programs, IRL942 and IRL757, towards Phase I studies. IRLAB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. More information on

Forskning inom bioteknik
11–50 anställda
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  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    Don't miss Edison's Soo Romanoff's interview with our CEO Gunnar Olsson, covering the company's action plan and strategic priorities going forward.

    Visa organisationssidan för Edison Group, grafik

    7 768 följare

    IRLAB Therapeutics AB (IRLAB-A) is a Sweden-based #biotechnology company focused on developing novel drugs for the treatment of #neurodegenerative diseases, with a particular emphasis on Parkinson’s disease, utilising its Integrative Screening Process proprietary drug discovery platform. In this interview, Edison’s Soo Romanoff talks to IRLAB’s CEO Gunnar Olsson about the company’s action plan and strategic priorities as it approaches these inflection points. Watch full interview here: #OMX #IRLAB-A #parkinsonsdisease #irlabtherapeutics #NDD #drugdevelopment #drugdiscovery

  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    Den positiva utvecklingen håller i sig! Detta är den sista kvartalsrapporten som jag kommenterar i min roll som vd och jag skulle därför vilja passa på att tacka alla aktieägare för det förtroende som ni givit mig under min tid som vd för företaget. Jag vill även tacka alla medarbetare för det fantastiska arbete som utförts och lett till det gångna årets alla framgångar i projektportföljen. Jag ser fram emot att få fortsätta arbeta i bolagets styrelse och vara delaktig i utveckling och kapitalisering av alla våra banbrytande läkemedelsprojekt. Den positiva utvecklingen i början av året håller i sig och även det andra kvartalet har varit mycket händelserikt med flera viktiga framsteg. ✅ Vi har inlett vår fas I-studie med IRL757, ingått ett samarbete med MSRD/Otsuka gällande den fortsatta kliniska utvecklingen genom kliniskt Proof-of-Concept, erhållit DSMB:s enhälliga rekommendation att fortsätta React-PD-studien med pirepemat enligt plan samt rekryterat en ny vd till bolaget. ✅ Våra förberedelser för att kunna starta Fas III-programmet med mesdopetam för behandling av levodopainducerade dyskinesier fortgår. Under det gångna kvartalet har vi haft ett stort fokus på partnerdiskussioner, förberedelser av interaktioner med europeiska myndigheter inför start av Fas III, samt marknadsundersökningar som led i positioneringen inför en framtida lansering av produkten. ✅ Den 1 augusti välkomnar vi IRLAB:s nya vd Kristina Torfgård. Jag ser fram emot att få samarbeta och stötta henne från min position som styrelsemedlem i IRLAB. Efter ett mycket framgångsrikt första halvår fortsätter vi resan framåt med orubbligt fokus på våra innovativa portföljprojekt som alla har potential att bli first-in-class läkemedel och revolutionera behandlingen av Parkinsons sjukdom. Gunnar Olsson, vd

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    📢 IRLAB publishes interim report for the period January-June 2024 KEY HIGHLIGHTS DURING AND AFTER THE PERIOD: ⚫ Collaboration with MSRD/Otsuka, funding IRL757 through clinical Proof-of-Concept. ⚫ Successful End-of-Phase 2-meeting with FDA for mesdopetam. ⚫ New insights from the Phase IIb study with pirepemat. ⚫ Regulatory approval to start Phase I with IRL757. ⚫ Kristina Torfgård appointed CEO, starting August 1, 2024. ⚫ Pirepemat passed the independent Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) conducted the last of two predetermined reviews of safety and data integrity in the Phase IIb study, React-PD. The DSMB unanimously recommended that the study should continue without any changes. 👉 Read the full report on our website:

    IRLAB publishes interim report for the period January-June 2024 - IRLAB

    IRLAB publishes interim report for the period January-June 2024 - IRLAB

  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    📢 Invitation to the interim report for Q2 2024 presentation and webcast IRLAB Therapeutics will hold a presentation in conjunction with the publication of the interim report for the period January-June 2024. The interim report will be published on Wednesday, July 10 at 07:00 CEST. The presentation will be held on July 10, 2024, at 10:00 CEST via digital webcast. Gunnar Olsson, CEO, Nicholas Waters, EVP and Head of R&D, and Viktor Siewertz, CFO, will comment the interim report. The presentation will be held in English and will be followed by a Q&A session. 👉 Follow the webcast online:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    📢 Press Release: IRLAB’s Phase IIb study of pirepemat can proceed as planned after positive opinion from external safety committee IRLAB is pleased to announce that the independent Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) has completed the last of two pre-determined safety and data integrity reviews of the ongoing Phase IIb study of pirepemat. The DSMB unanimously recommends that the study should continue without any changes. In accordance with the previously communicated plan, IRLAB will complete patient recruitment in the third quarter of 2024. "Following the positive opinion from the independent safety committee, DSMB, we can now complete the study in full accordance with the study protocol. Our aim is to always maintain the highest possible patient safety and a rigorous scientific approach, where DSMB reviews are an important part," says Gunnar Olsson, CEO of IRLAB. 👉 Read the full press release on our website: #parkinsonsdisease

    Read the full press release on our website

    Read the full press release on our website

  • IRLAB Therapeutics AB omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    Are you an ADME specialist and DMPK project team lead? We seek a highly skilled and experienced individual to join our development team in a senior role. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to advancing novel treatments for Parkinson's disease. IRLAB Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company discovering and developing novel treatments for the most troublesome symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We are in modern lab facilities in Gothenburg on the West Coast of Sweden. For more information and application, follow this link: #hiring #adme #dmpk #drugdevelopment #drugdiscovery

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    Are you an ADME specialist and DMPK project team lead? We seek a highly skilled and experienced individual to join our development team in a senior role. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to advancing novel treatments for Parkinson's disease. IRLAB Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company discovering and developing novel treatments for the most troublesome symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We are in modern lab facilities in Gothenburg on the West Coast of Sweden. For more information and application, follow this link: #hiring #adme #dmpk #drugdevelopment #drugdiscovery

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    Did you know that apathy is a common condition in neurodegenerative diseases? Apathy can best be described as no or very low feelings of motivation. It is usually characterized as a lack of emotion or interest in yourself and the world around you. The condition can significantly diminish one's interest in social interactions and activities they once found joy in. Often, it's the family members who first notice these changes and seek help. Apathy is a debilitating condition affecting over 10 million people in the US and equally many in Europe. The prevalence is high, occurring in 20–70 percent of people with Parkinson’s and 20–90 percent of people with disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders related to CNS. At present, there are no specific treatments for apathy. The most common therapies are antidepressants, psychotherapy, and complementary therapies like yoga and tai chi. Our drug candidate, IRL757, aims to treat apathy in neurological disorders by reverse disruption in cortical to sub-cortical nerve signaling, a proposed mechanism underlying apathy in neurological disorders. With the support of The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, we recently initiated the first Phase I clinical trial of IRL757 to document the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug candidate in healthy subjects. The study is expected to be completed in 2024. Follow us to learn more! #apathy #parkinsonsdisease #alzheimers #irlabtherapeutics #drugdiscovery        

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IRLAB Therapeutics AB, grafik

    1 453 följare

    Could mesdopetam have a disease-modifying effect?   In a recent study published in the esteemed scientific journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Chinese scientists investigated the effects of mesdopetam on the synaptic structure of dopamine-expressing neurons in a preclinical model for levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID).   What they found was quite exceptional – treatment with mesdopetam not only improved the dyskinesia but also restored the alterations in reduced dendritic spine density in the synaptic regions of dopaminergic neurons.   “These results indicate that in addition to having an effect on dyskinesia, mesdopetam could also have a potential disease-modifying effect with the ability to restore the synaptic structure and functional plasticity of the neurons affected by long-term treatment with levodopa. This means that treatment with mesdopetam does not only reduce dyskinesia in the short-term, but may also reduce the propensity of levodopa treatment to induce dyskinesia,” says Dr Joakim Tedroff, Chief Medical Officer, IRLAB.   ➡ Read the whole story in the original article attached as a PDF. Wang X and Zhang W (2024) IRL790 modulated striatal D1 neurons synaptic plasticity ameliorating levodopa-induced dyskinesia in mouse. Front. Aging Neurosci. 16:1401991.   Follow us for more insights on our work discovering and developing novel treatments for #parkinsonsdisease #irlabtherapeutics #CNS #drugdiscovery #drugdevelopment #dyskinesia  

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