Scripps Oceanography
2022 Annual Impact Report

From the Director

Margaret Leinen

As we wrap up 2022 and I reflect on this year, it is clear that the Scripps Institution of Oceanography community achievements and impact have been extraordinary.  

With the support of the National Science Foundation and UC San Diego, we opened SOARS, a first-of-its-kind ocean, atmosphere, and biology simulator that will allow scientists around the world to conduct unprecedented experiments with conditions simulating our changing climate. We also advanced designs on our new hydrogen-hybrid research vessel that will be an innovation in the maritime industry for its zero-emission capabilities.   

Our scientific discoveries are informing policy and decision-makers on important issues like the cross-border pollution crisis at the Tijuana River Valley, and the increasing threat of cliff retreat across the state of California. At both poles our scientists are conducting high-impact research about the mechanisms of climate change in polar regions.

We have created several new programs to welcome more diverse people into the geosciences. These range from the creation of a student-initiated and donor-supported fellowship to increase diversity in scientific diving, a new program to expose community college students to hands-on research at Scripps, and a program developed in partnership with minority-serving colleges and universities. 

Our impressive alumni continue to make an impact as entrepreneurs, climate advisors, and environmental justice advocates, positioned with organizations like the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Academy of Sciences.

Thank you to all of our supporters, staff, students, postdoctoral scholars, researchers, faculty, and alumni who help make Scripps a world leader in education, research, and global impact.


Margaret Leinen
Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, UC San Diego
Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 


Mary Ann Beyster
Maxine Baker
Paul Brooks
Julia Brown (Vice Chair)
Bernard David
Patty Elkus
Sheldon Engelhorn
Tim Gallaudet
Cynthia Glancy
Rod Glover
Stuart Goode
Richard Gulley
Dick Hertzberg
James Jameson
Wayne Kennedy
Donna Lucas
Dennis McGinn
Mac McQuown
Michael Meredith
Chrysa Mineo
Elizabeth Oliver
Tom Page
John Patton
Maggie Scripps Klenzing
Michael Silah
Dixon Smith
Mike Stone
Steve Strachan (Chair)
Craig Venter
Caroline Winn
Dawn Wright

Research Highlights

New Scripps Ocean-Atmosphere Simulator Debuts

The new Scripps Ocean-Atmosphere Research Simulator, or SOARS, became operational in 2022, hosting its inaugural experiment over the summer. This new instrument, funded by the National Science Foundation and UC San Diego, is the only instrument of its kind in the world that can replicate the ocean, atmosphere, and biology of the oceans, from polar to tropical conditions. 

The NSF-funded Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE) at UC San Diego was the first group to put the new instrument to the test in a multi-week experiment that examined the composition of the gases and sea spray aerosols coming out of the ocean at high winds, and how this affects their ability to seed marine clouds. 

“SOARS allows us to move the ocean-atmosphere-biology system into the lab in a truly unprecedented way,” said atmospheric chemistry professor Kimberly Prather, founding director of CAICE and co-principal investigator for SOARS. “Our inaugural experiment let us study the production of sea spray aerosols as a function of wind speed in a way that is not possible over the open ocean. This information on how much sea spray is released into the air will be vital in understanding the properties and lifetimes of marine clouds and how this will changing as our Earth system warms.”

Biomedical Breakthroughs

Ph.D. student Kate Bauman streaks new Salinispora cultures

Scientists with the Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine had several major breakthroughs on research with implications for developing anti-cancer drugs and accelerating the pace of biomedical research.

In March, graduate student Kate Baumann led research to determine exactly how a marine bacterium makes a potent anti-cancer molecule called salinosporamide A, also known as Marizomib. Currently in Phase III clinical trials to treat the brain cancer glioblastoma, scientists now for the first time understand the enzyme-driven process that activates the molecule.

Baumann and colleagues found that an enzyme called SalC assembles what the team calls the salinosporamide anti-cancer “warhead.” The work solves a nearly 20-year riddle about how the marine bacterium makes the warhead that is unique to the salinosporamide molecule and opens the door to future biotechnology to manufacture new anti-cancer agents.

Additionally, a team in marine biologist Amro Hamdoun’s lab created a line of sea urchins whose genetic makeup is fully mapped and can be edited using the gene-editing technology CRISPR to study human disease genes. 

Sea urchins, like fruit flies or lab rats, have been an organisms used in research for more than a century. They are used around the world to study the developmental origins of diseases, and the effects of pollutants on human and marine health. But few can be grown in the lab and genetically modified like other lab animals. Having this new “genetically enabled” urchin could dramatically enhance the efficiency, reproducibility, and utility of those studies, and ultimately accelerate the pace of marine biomedical research.

California Cliff Erosion Report

The first study to analyze California's coastal cliff retreat statewide using high-resolution data was released this summer and found that cliffs receded faster in the north than elsewhere in the state during the study period.

The data from the study, which detected erosional hotspots throughout the state, was made available on the new California Coastal Cliff Erosion Viewer website. The site is intended for coastal planning and development decision-makers, and allows users to browse any cliff in the state to see its past rate of erosion and related retreat statistics.

In the study, coauthors Adam Young and Zuzanna Swirad created one-meter digital elevation models and evaluated the cliff erosion and retreat between 2009-2011 and 2016 in five-meter (16.4 foot) segments along 866 kilometers (538 miles) of California's coast. Included in the analysis were data collected with airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), an advanced laser-imaging technology. New machine-learning techniques that Swirad developed expedited the large-scale study.

"Communities and critical infrastructure are located on the cliff top. It is really important to understand the hazard of cliff collapse," said Swirad, a former postdoctoral scholar at Scripps.

U.S.-Mexico Border Wastewater Transport Model Suggests Solutions To Reduce Coastal Contamination

Scripps Oceanography researchers working with the Environmental Protection Agency and Stanford University identified an intervention that can dramatically reduce sickness among swimmers near the U.S.-Mexico border.

Raw sewage from Tijuana, Mexico, flows into the coastal ocean at the Tijuana River Estuary near Imperial Beach, Calif., and also 10 kilometers (6 miles) south of the border at Punta Bandera where the outfall of the San Antonio de los Buenos (SAB) treatment plant is located. This raw sewage leads to sickness among swimmers and beach closures primarily at Imperial Beach, on the U.S. side of the border. 

The Scripps-led team found that improving the treatment plant’s capabilities would be the most effective remedy to reduce swimmers’ exposure to pathogens in the ocean. 

“This critical study helped us address beach water quality impacts caused by untreated sewage on both sides of the border more effectively and binationally,” said EPA representative Lily Lee. “Thanks to this effort, EPA proposed a series of projects that will better address U.S. and Mexican sources of sewage.”

The research also led to a Scripps Oceanography proposal to create a water quality forecast system based on this model, which would provide 3-to-5-day forecasts of when beaches should be closed in order to keep swimmers safe. Scripps Oceanography is proposing this project to the California Environmental Protection Agency and California State Water Resources Control Board for funding.

Scientists Measure Coral Reef Recovery

Jen Smith taking a photoquadrat

The largest global coral-bleaching event ever documented struck the world’s oceans in 2014 and lasted until 2017. Despite widespread damage reports, a 10-year study from Palmyra Atoll in the remote central Pacific Ocean shows that reefs outside the reach of local human impacts can recover from bleaching.

A team of scientists from the lab of marine ecologist Jennifer Smith visited Palmyra annually from 2009 to 2018 to document the same 80 plots spread across eight sites around the atoll along underwater transects. Using simple image-analysis tools and digital tracing, they analyzed more than 1,500 images to identify all bottom-dwelling organisms present in the plots to see if they are increasing or decreasing in abundance. 

The research team saw signs of coral decline, but within two years this was restored.

Smith and co-author Adi Khen found that the atoll’s clean, protected waters and intact ecosystems helped harbor a healthy population of fishes that may contribute to the resilience of Palmyra’s reefs. They hope these lessons carry forward to other resource managers with coral reefs closer to human populations in locations beset with pollution, overfishing, sedimentation, warming and acidification. 

“Certainly, they’re going to be more susceptible to large losses,” Smith said. “But to know that places like this are out there showing signs of resistance and resilience gives us hope and also shows us that there’s still a lot to learn about how these intact systems are functioning.”

Polar Research

After COVID-19 shut down research in Antarctica, Scripps scientists made new discoveries and returned to the field in 2022 to research this global hotspot of climate and ecology. 

Learn more about climate change in the polar regions on our Climate Change FAQs page.

Groundwater Discovered Under Antarctic Ice: Using a ground-based geophysical electromagnetic (EM) method called magnetotellurics, scientists made the first detection of groundwater beneath an Antarctic ice stream. This discovery, spearheaded by Scripps postdoctoral scholar Chloe Gustafson, gives scientists more data from the Antarctic ice sheet to understand how the system works and how it changes over time in response to climate. The study improves scientists’ understanding of how it might affect sea level. More on this study >

Voyage to the “Doomsday Glacier”: Geophysicist Jamin Greenbaum joined an  expedition to Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, often called the “Doomsday Glacier” due to its rapid melt and high sea-level rise potential. He led a team that deployed sensors from helicopters to the most rapidly melting part of the glacier. The sensors returned temperature, salinity, water velocity, and depth readings that  will help scientists better predict details of glacier melt and how the boundary between grounded and floating ice will retreat in a changing climate. More on this expedition >

Penguin Guano Provides Fertile Ground for Plastics Research: Seabird research took flight in 2022 through the work of Scripps PhD candidate Tammy Russell. In January, she made her first trip to the Antarctic Peninsula to collect and analyze samples of penguin poop, or guano, shedding light on the penguins’ diet composition and the amount of microplastics found in the marine food web. This work contributes to the Penguano Project, a research effort launched by Russell in 2019 in collaboration with the Vernet and Bowman labs at Scripps and colleagues at NOAA. More on this research >

Citizen Science Expands with Support from NASA: PhD candidate Allison Cusick continues to lead citizen scientists in collecting phytoplankton and glacial meltwater samples for the Fjord Phyto program, which enlists cruise ship passengers to help monitor changes in the microscopic life in coastal fjords. The research was expanded thanks to support from NASA’s Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program. Tourists took measurements of water temperature, salinity, and water cloudiness, and collected samples of glacial meltwater and phytoplankton for identification. More about this program >

Analyzing Southern Ocean for Traces of Mercury: PhD student Hannah Adams participated on a 16-day research cruise through the Drake Passage to the West Antarctic Peninsula, where she analyzed water samples collected from the Southern Ocean for traces of dissolved mercury. Mercury concentrations in the majority of the oceans are low, but can reach high levels in predatory fish. Adams and her advisor Amina Schartup hope to expand this data for the Southern Ocean, which has not been previously studied as much as other regions. More on this expedition >


World’s Smallest Penguins Make Big Splash at Birch Aquarium

Birch Aquarium at Scripps opened the highly anticipated Beyster Family Little Blue Penguins habitat in July 2022. The two-day celebration was attended by the Scripps and UC San Diego communities as well as elected officials including San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, who declared July 12 as “Little Blue Penguins Day” in honor of these gregarious seabirds.

The 2,900-square-foot exhibit, which houses the world’s smallest penguins, provides the highest standard in penguin care while also offering a fun and educational guest experience. Birch Aquarium is currently the only aquarium in the western U.S. that houses Little Blue Penguins, which are native to Southern Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. The habitat is also the first seabird exhibit in the history of the aquarium.

Birch Aquarium is working toward protecting this species as they face habitat loss and a dropping population due to climate change. Little Blue Penguins are part of a collaborative international Species Survival Plan (SSP). This program seeks to protect various species ensuring the sustainability of a healthy, genetically diverse, and demographically varied penguin population. Furthermore, the habitat explores the interdisciplinary penguin research of Scripps Oceanography scientists Jerry Kooyman, Paul Ponganis, and Tammy Russell. Their discoveries provided Scripps with a better understanding of the biology of these aquatic seabirds, and the impact of climate change on penguins.

Following the opening, Birch Aquarium has seen visitation numbers rebound to near pre-pandemic levels, having welcomed 146,000 guests in the first three months alone.

Birch Aquarium Numbers Fiscal Year '21-'22

411,305 total attendance 
215 schools served 
26,902 total students served 
6,637 students received financial aid

Equity, Diversity and inclusion

New Fellowship Program Supports Diversity in Scientific Diving

A new program led by Scripps Oceanography aims to break down barriers and make the scientific diving community a more inclusive space. Launched in Fall 2022, the DIVERsity Fellowship Program supports a small cohort of outstanding and diverse undergraduate and graduate students at UC San Diego who want to contribute to oceanographic research but face barriers to inclusion in scientific diving programs.

“Our goal with the DIVERsity Fellowship Program is to dismantle some of the systemic barriers that exist for underrepresented students who want to become scientific divers,” said Scripps Director of Diversity Initiatives Keiara Auzenne.

The program was designed by Scripps PhD candidate Erica Ferrer and alumna Alyssa Griffin, with support from Auzenne and Scripps Dive Safety Officer Christian McDonald. The initiative has already received six years of funding thanks to contributions from several members of the Scripps Director’s Council and the Scripps Education Department, with dive equipment provided by ScubaPro.

Each year, the program will see a new cohort of 3-5 fellows who will receive diver training in addition to support by a dedicated faculty sponsor and a mentor who is an active scientific diver. Fellows have access to swimming and water safety classes offered through UC San Diego Recreation, and will receive mentorship and professional support as they move through the certification process.

“I think the status and reputation of Scripps’ Scientific Diving Program provides a really important opportunity to model this program and pilot this program, and we hope that other institutions will follow,” said Griffin.

Scripps Launches New Program to Support Community College Students in Geosciences

In January 2022, the Scripps Geosciences Educational Opportunities (Scripps-GEO) program was officially launched under the late Jane Teranes, a Scripps Oceanography professor who served as program director. Scripps-GEO provides undergraduate students enrolled in San Diego-area community colleges with research experiences at Scripps in the fields of geoscience. 

“The Scripps-GEO program is dedicated towards establishing a geosciences learning community, where we’re working with students at community colleges and trying to tell them about more opportunities in our field through seminars and research opportunities,” Teranes said at the time of the program’s launch.

Students in the program are cross-enrolled between their community college and UC San Diego, where they receive credit for taking SIO 65: Geosciences Seminar. Nine of the twelve Scripps-GEO students were chosen for the Scripps GEO-Scholars program, which is a paid research opportunity. 

Following Teranes’ passing in July 2022, the Scripps-GEO program is now being led by Scripps Associate Chair Lisa Adams and will resume in Fall 2023.

Scripps Receives $350,000 Grant to Support Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 

A three-year grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation has provided Scripps with funding for an outreach and recruitment program that fosters diversity for students in geosciences, cultivates a sense of belonging among minority students, and helps Scripps build meaningful relationships with students underrepresented in STEM. 

The equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) team at Scripps aims to use the grant to create a more inclusive environment on campus, increasing the number of people recruited through approaches including “Chat with a Scripps Scientist,” “Peers Offering Community (POC) Circle,” the Community Engagement Fellows program, and funding for support staff. 

“Having the support from the Heising-Simons Foundation is going to allow us to deepen our work, increase our impact and reach a broader audience of folks,” said Keiara Auzenne, Director of Diversity Initiatives at Scripps Oceanography.

As a result of the grant, “Chat with a Scripps Scientist” can now host workshops for minority-serving institutions to recruit students to Scripps graduate programs.

Alumni Impacts

Alumni of Scripps Oceanography represent academics, scientists, communicators, policymakers, experts, and entrepreneurs that leverage their diverse backgrounds to advance innovative solutions. Their accomplishments reach far and wide, from education and environment to industry and innovation, and their impact spans the expanse of our planet, from deep oceans to deep space.

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir (PhD '09) continues to make history: in 2019 she completed the world’s first all-female spacewalk, and was soon after selected to NASA’s Artemis moon exploration program, which aims to land the first woman on the moon by 2025. In June 2022, Meir served as UC San Diego’s All Campus Commencement Ceremony keynote speaker and returned to Scripps Oceanography to present Director Margaret Leinen with a Scripps flag flown in space, reconnect with her faculty advisors, and surprise graduating students.

Robert Sparrock’s (MS '90) 34-year military career bridges science and security in extraordinary ways. He currently manages six Navy-owned oceanographic research vessels, the historic ROV Alvin, and the Floating Instrument Platform (FLIP) through the Office of Naval Research. Sparrock was present at the commissioning of R/V Sally Ride in 2016, helped oversee a $150 million Naval investment to modernize the R/V Thomas G. Thompson, R/V Roger Revelle and R/V Atlantis, and returned to Scripps as the 2022 Graduate Commencement Speaker.

Heidi Sosik (PhD '93) is an inventor and scientist who explores the ocean’s twilight zone (OTZ), a vast, dim region 200-1,000 meters below the surface teeming with 90 percent of the world’s fish biomass. Sosik co-invented a robotic underwater microscope now used globally and her work informing international protection policies for the OTZ has garnered international attention. Her research was one of only five inaugural projects sponsored by The Audacious Project, TED’s initiative to fund global change, and in 2022 received Endorsed Action status as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science.

Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand (MAS '12) is the Founder and CEO of Costa Humboldt, an internationally recognized non-profit that seeks to preserve the biodiversity of Chile’s marine ecosystems and provide sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous and local communities. His work is transforming Chile’s environmental policy and includes partnering with the Kawésqar peoples and National Geographic to establish the largest national park in Patagonia, elevating the effectiveness of Indigenous Marine Areas (IMA), exploring blue carbon contributions, and centering Indigenous knowledge in climate mitigation actions.

Tashiana Osborne (MS '16, PhD '21) is a Climate Advisor Fellow with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through a 2022 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellowship. Within USAID, she works in the Economic Growth, Environment, and Agriculture Division within the Bureau of Africa’s Office of Sustainable Development. She helped lead a recent Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Nigeria and Ghana, and now provides technical support and training on climate, public health, water, and sustainability issues.

Lucero Sanchez (BA '19) describes herself as “a young Latina in San Diego fighting for clean water and climate action.” She works as the Campaigns Manager for San Diego Coastkeeper, conducting advocacy work through community engagement to ensure environmental justice and equity. Sanchez is president of the League of Conservation Voters San Diego, and in May 2022 was appointed as vice chair of the San Diego County Environmental Health and Quality Advisory Board, where she has served since 2021.


Following Success in First Year, UC San Diego Announces Second Cohort for Blue Economy Accelerator

After the success of the inaugural startBlue cohort, UC San Diego’s Rady School of Management and Scripps Institution of Oceanography have selected six teams for the second cohort for the startBlue program. The startBlue ocean accelerator program supports science and engineering startups in the growing and highly vital blue tech sector, devising new solutions that can be integrated into science, industry, investment, and government networks. StartBlue teams participate at no cost, and develop new businesses around science and engineering solutions to crucial ocean challenges.

Startups accepted include Amphitrite Robotics, Aras Photonics, Berkeley Marine Robotics, CoilReef, Ocean Soteria, and Octopus Garden. Each startup in the second cohort receives Scripps science and Rady entrepreneurship curricula, one-on-one mentorship, and access to potential partners, customers, and sources of investment. 

The first startBlue cohort concluded in May 2022 and is continuing to make waves in the wider blue economy. The seven teams that completed the first round of the program have raised $35,000 in donations, won over $200,000 in prize money and received $7.5 million in grant funding. Other highlights include cohort member Algeon Materials being accepted into the Creative Destruction Lab program, and CalWave Power Technologies Inc. successfully completing a historic wave energy pilot supported by an award from the United States Department of Energy.


New California Coastal Hybrid-Hydrogen Vessel Design Progresses

In 2022, Scripps advanced progress on the development of the first-of-its-kind hybrid-hydrogen research vessel, selecting Glosten as the naval architect. With this selection, the preliminary design, contract design, and detailed design for the research vessel are now underway. 

The hybrid-hydrogen design of this new vessel represents an innovation in the maritime industry. Currently, emissions from diesel engines on ships contribute to greenhouse gases and pollution. Development of this and subsequent zero-emission vessels is essential to the University of California’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative, the goal to be carbon neutral by 2025. This new vessel will feature an innovative hybrid propulsion system that integrates hydrogen fuel cells alongside a conventional diesel-electric power plant, enabling zero-emission operations. 

California legislators allocated $35 million toward the design and construction of this vessel last summer. When complete, the vessel will serve as a platform for education and research dedicated to understanding the California coast and climate change impacts to the coastal ecosystem. It will continue the university’s educational mission to train the next generation of scientists, leaders, and policymakers, with the ability to carry up to 45 students and educators to sea on day trips, improving the university’s capacity for experiential learning at sea.

The anticipated schedule for design and construction includes one year to complete the basic design. Following U.S. Coast Guard approval of the design, the university will select the shipyard where the design will be constructed. Construction and detail design will likely take an additional three years. 

Ships Numbers Fiscal Year '21-'22

594 operational days at sea conducting scientific research and instruction
47 separate research missions
818 people supported at sea
Of the people who sailed aboard, 474 were from Scripps, and the remaining came from 89 different institutions.

Scripps Research Fleet Ship Tracks 2005 Through October 2022 | View Interactive Map |  North
 R/V Roger Revelle
 R/V Sally Ride
 R/V Robert Gordon Sproul
 FLIP Floating Instrument Platform
Ship Tracks 2005 through October 2022  North
Position:  , Bearing:  , Pitch:  , Zoom:  

Giving Impact

Illumina Support Helps Build Two Automation Labs at Scripps

Support from Illumina, a global leader in the development and application of genomic technology to improve human and environmental health, enabled the Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine at Scripps to build two new laboratory spaces on the Scripps campus to enhance genomics and laboratory automation-enabled discovery and training programs. 

The support, which included high-throughput screening equipment and a $973,000 donation from the Illumina Corporate Foundation, will enable advanced synthetic biology, marine drug compound library curation, microbiome science, marine model organism cell biology, and more. The new equipment will also provide immense training opportunities for students, both at Scripps and in the broader San Diego community, giving them experience in genomics and laboratory automation that is critical in today’s life science and biotechnology workforce. 

“Today’s students need to be familiar with solving biological problems at these huge scales, and that simply can’t be done without the use of laboratory automation and big data experimental design and informatics,” said Moore Lab National Institutes of Health (NIH) Postdoctoral Fellow Timothy Fallon, who helped spearhead the effort to develop the automation hub. “This is why the support is so exciting. It allows us to build the facilities and coursework to both teach these cutting-edge topics, and to apply them in our research.“

Thank you to our donors!



Nancy E. Cooley and Stuart
    M. Goode*
Leslie and John A. McQuown
Mary Beth and Walter V.
    Usinowicz Jr.*


Ellen J. Lehman, PhD and Charles F.
    Kennel, PhD
James F. Beyster
Lanna Cheng, PhD*


Betty and Gordon E. Moore
Wendy and Eric E. Schmidt
Elaine P. Antoniuk*
Margaret S. Leinen*
Charles E. Scripps Jr.
Celeste and Wendell Birkhofer
Eliza and Stuart W. Stedman
Cindy J. Glancy '77 and John E.
    Glancy Sr.
Julia R. Brown
Elizabeth N. Shapiro*
Katherine McGee
Kathy and Bill Scripps
Thomas A. Page
Susan C. and David Rockefeller Jr.
Margaret M. and Clinton R. Spangler


Stephen M. Strachan
Henry E. Swantz Jr.*
Elizabeth M. and Philip S. Hiestand
Elaine and Richard N. Morrison
Gail E. and John H. Eyler Jr.
Kathy S. and Philip Froelich
Wendy W. Kwok '99
Julie Fischer and Mark Lacy*
Lynne D. Talley and Jeffrey
    P. Severinghaus


Michael Joo
Chrysa Mineo and Mark K.
Margaret B. and David Engel, PhD
Luz Maria and William A. Scripps Sr.
Patricia and William Todd
Cheryl L. and Donald L. Ward
Denise M. Bevers '97 and Lon A.
Brenda Bohn and Jeffrey R.
    Bohn, PhD
Dinia C. Green '77 and Lloyd L. Green,
    MA '75
Charles Ellman*
Joane Molenock, PhD '73 and Daniel
    E. Karig, PhD '70
Eve S. and Osama Attal
M. Hany S. Elwany, PhD
Linda F. Hervey
Gisela G. Hill
Lori A. and Henry W. Holmes Jr.
Susan G. Chance and Igor 
    Korneitchouk, PhD '87
Jean W. Scripps
Diane I. and Elliot Feuerstein
Ellen C. and Colin Kennedy
Denise N. and Gary S. David
Karen F. and Jeffrey H. Silberman
Laurette A. Verbinski


Miriam Kastner
Helen S. Shamble and Alfred M.
    Shamble '73
Kristina and Semyon Kruglyak
Pamela S. and Gilbert C. Binninger
Joyce A. Haak-Brooks and Paul F.
Una Davis and Jack R. McGrory
Mary Liz DeJong
Leroy M. Dorman, PhD
Ellen Fales
Gail A. Fliesbach
Kathy and Charles T. Mitchell
Elizabeth H. and Dene Oliver
Mysti N. and Gerald J. Scripps
Debra L. Hibbs and David R. Simon
Jane P. Widroe '84 and Greg Widroe

* planned gift



Simons Foundation, Inc.


Vetlesen Foundation
The Builders Initiative, Inc.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Gordon and Betty Moore
Green Foundation for Earth Sciences
The Heising-Simons Foundation
The Marisla Foundation
Donald C. and Elizabeth M. Dickinson
Waitt Foundation
Tides Foundation
American Endowment Foundation
The JEM Project
The Schmidt Family Foundation
Maxwell Hanrahan Foundation


Alan G Lehman and Jane A Lehman
The Nature Conservancy
Price Philanthropies Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation
The Baum Foundation
Birch Foundation
Gibbet Hill Foundation
The Cynthia and George Mitchell
The David and Lucile Packard
The Mary Gard Jameson Foundation
Edna Bailey Sussman Fund
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Allison and Robert Price Family
Charles H. Stout Foundation
Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation
Nierenberg Foundation
Perpetual Family Foundation
Dr. Seuss Foundation
Enberg Family Charitable Foundation


Archie Arnold Trust
Spielman Family Foundation
Morgan Dene and Elizabeth Hamman
    Oliver Family Foundation Inc.
Seeley Foundation



Illumina Corporate Foundation


Institute of Geological and Nuclear
    Sciences Limited


Futures Action Network, LLC
Blue Ocean Barns Inc.


Snark, Inc.
County of Sonoma
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
Sonoma Water
Sonos, Inc.


Oceans North
Yuba Water Agency
American Meteorological Society
Orange County Water District
San Diego County Water Authority
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Turlock Irrigation District


East Bay Municipal Utility District
MathWorks, Inc.
Douglas Products
Qualcomm Inc.
Institute of The Americas
Amyris, Inc.
San Francisco Public Utilities
City and County of San Francisco
Kongsberg Underwater Technology,
MUFG Union Bank Foundation
ResMed Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation

Statement of Activity

This section provides an overview of revenue and expenses, census and award info, and a list of sponsored research funding entities. Download Statement of Activity for 2021-2022


View our archive of previous Impact Reports.