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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results


A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about AMR, a technique for dynamically updating the precision of a grid to ensure a certain accuracy for a given region.
64 questions
For questions about evaluating or implementing special functions, e.g. Bessel, hypergeometric, gamma, Lambert W.
63 questions
For questions about determining parameters for particular functional form based on set of given data points. These points may be the exact values generated from some underlying function or possibly ha…
63 questions
For questions regarding the numerical treatment of processes whose behaviors are determined by both deterministic (predictable) and non-deterministic (random) actions.
61 questions
Questions regarding the numerical solution and analysis of equations that feature an integral transform on the unknown function. Problems with integral-equation formulations, their discretization, cal…
60 questions
OpenFOAM is a free, open source CFD software package developed by OpenCFD Ltd at ESI Group and distributed by the OpenFOAM Foundation.
59 questions
Referring to ordinary differential equations that require an extremely small timestep to guarantee numerical stability.
58 questions
For questions pertaining to methods to estimate input parameters based upon output data.
58 questions
Formerly FEMLAB, COMSOL is a finite element analysis software package for various engineering and physics applications, with special emphasis on coupled phenomena (multiphysics).
57 questions
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics that provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, c…
57 questions
For questions about solving numerical problems by evaluating over a discrete grid of points in the problem domain.
57 questions
For questions about the theory and process of finding the roots of a function (values where the function returns zero).
56 questions
The goal of computer vision is an automatic extraction of information out of images. It includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images and high-dimensional data from t…
55 questions
For questions about computationally solving a problem subject to some constraints on the solution. For optimizations, apply the more specific [constrained-optimization] tag instead.
55 questions
A powerful mathematical programming software with high level symbolic manipulation capacity.
53 questions
For questions about optimizations where some of the input variables are constrained to be integers.
53 questions
For questions about the Crank-Nicolson method, an approach for discretizing and solving partial differential equations.
53 questions
Octave is a scientific programming & scripting language with syntax similar to MATLAB and SCILAB.
52 questions
This question is about equations where the unknown itself is a matrix such as Sylvester or Riccati equations. For systems of linear equations (where the unknown is a vector), use "linear-system".
51 questions
Questions related to the calculation or use of the Jacobian matrix or its determinant. Not to be confused with the Jacobi iterative method for solving systems of linear equations. For those, use [iter…
51 questions
A three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities
50 questions
Questions about working with or solving equations involving matrices which are known or suspected to have many nonzero elements. Contrast with sparse matrix.
49 questions
Combinatorics (combinatorial analysis) is a branch of mathematics that studies the discrete objects, the set (a combination, permutation, deployment and transfer of elements) and the relationship to t…
49 questions
Refers to the (G)eneral (M)inimal (RES)idual algorithm, which is a popular Krylov subspace method for solving linear systems.
48 questions
For questions about implementing mappings from a set of elements (points, vectors, etc) to some subset of these elements.
48 questions
Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
47 questions
Paraview is an open source scientific visualization application which can import, read, analyse and post-process a wide range of file types.
46 questions
when seeking recommendations for libraries/programs to solve a particular type of problem. Be sure to include sufficient detail in your question about the specifications you need and to i…
46 questions
For questions about modeling heat transfer, often through the use of heat (differential) equation.
44 questions
43 questions
For questions about computationally inverting a function/matrix/operation. The inverse "undoes" the action of the original operation, for example in the context of solving linear systems or differenti…
43 questions
CUDA™ is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. It enables dramatic increases in computing performance by harnessing the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU).
42 questions
A high-dimensionality space is one that can only be spanned by a basis set with a large number of elements. High-dimensional problems often suffer from the *Curse of Dimensionality*, which is exponent…
42 questions
Often referred to as Algorithmic-Differentiation or AD -- a technique to automatically generate code that evaluates the derivative of a function. AD repeatedly applies the chain rule and classical rul…
42 questions
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