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Questions tagged [inverse]

For questions about computationally inverting a function/matrix/operation. The inverse "undoes" the action of the original operation, for example in the context of solving linear systems or differential equations.

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1 answer

optimize this python code that involves matrix inversion

So I have this line of code that involves a matrix inversion X = A @ B @ np.linalg.pinv(S) $A$ is an $n$ by $n$ matrix, $B$ is an $n$ by $m$ matrix and $S$ is an $...
Taylor Fang's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Approximately, at any given time, what proportion of the world's total HPC resources are dedicated towards inverting matrices?

I had heard in a lecture, perhaps 15 years ago, that the vast majority of the world's HPC resources were dedicated to solving linear systems by iterative methods. I seem to remember it was 90%. I can'...
djps's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What algorithm(s) do numpy and scipy use to calculate matrix inverses?

I am solving differential equations that require inverting dense square matrices, and I wanted to know what algorithm(s) do numpy and scipy use to calculate matrix inverses?
kamy rez's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is matrix inversion unstable when svd is stable?

I've heard that matrix is inversion is unstable whereas the SVD is stable. Now, if $A$ is an invertible matrix, then its SVD is $$ A = USV^T $$ Then wouldn't it's inverse just be $$ A^{-1} = (USV^T)^{...
NNN's user avatar
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The error propagation in calculating the inverse using a matrix decomposition

I have been trying to calculate the matrix inverse of some large matrix with entries ranging by orders of magnitude. I tried to use the matrix decomposition to simplify the computation, where a matrix ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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SVD testing non zero values

I was looking at the matlab function pinv.m for the compuation of the pseudoinverse. The code uses the singular values decomposition. $$ A = U D V $$ When looking for non-zero diagonal elements it ...
pinpon's user avatar
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Numerical instability in the inverse Laplace transform

I have a problem with Laplace inversion and my function is not numerically stable for the Laplace inverse, but I do not understand the cause of this problem. Here is my code and graph of this problem. ...
Ali AlCapone's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MATLAB : find an algorithm to inverse quickly a large matrix of symbolic variables

I have to solve the equality between 2 matrixes 12x12 containing a lot of symbolic variables and with which I perform inversion of matrix. There is only one unknown called "...
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1 answer

How to Invert a Poorly Conditioned Matrix

In my research, I need to invert a Fisher matrix in order to get a covariance matrix for me to do parameter estimation. Unfortunately, the values of Fisher matrix vary by many orders of magnitude, and ...
Brian.C.Seymour's user avatar
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Optimize speed for calculating the approximate inverse of a large matrix

I am searching for a faster method to calculate an approximate inverse of a large matrix (up to 32000x32000) resulting from a discrete non-linear system of partial differential equations. I'm using C++...
enco909's user avatar
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3 answers

Inverse of ill-conditioned symmetric matrix

I've got a matrix K, with dimensions $(n, n)$ where each element is computed using the following equation: $$K_{i, j} = \exp(-\alpha t_i^2 -\gamma(t_i - t_j)^2 - \...
adityar's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

approximate function such that the inverse of the approximation is "simple"

I have a smooth enough injective function $f:[a, b]\to \mathbb{R}$ which I want to approximate by something that can be computed quickly, e.g., a Padé approximant of low degree, $$ \frac{\sum_{j=0}^m ...
Nico Schlömer's user avatar
5 votes
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Fast algorithm for computing cofactor matrix

I wonder if there is a fast algorithm, say ($\mathcal O(n^3)$) for computing the cofactor matrix (or conjugate matrix) of an $N\times N$ square matrix. And yes, one could first compute its determinant ...
ZUN LI's user avatar
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Accurate way of getting the square root inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix

What is the most accurate algorithm to get the square root inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix? I am not looking as much for efficiency, though using quadruple precision computation is out ...
Javier Garcia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Which pseudo-inverse to compute when Inverse is not possible? (No linear solve)

Let us assume that we have a function, $f(A)=\text{vec}(A^{-1})^\intercal B$, dependent on $A^{-1}$. However, due to some machine-precision limitations, the programming language I'm using cannot ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar

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