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8 votes
1 answer

Computational methods for finding the energy eigenvalues of the time-independent Schrodinger equation with arbitrary potential

I have seen in some papers that the energy levels in some arbitrary potential are specified. How can one find the energy levels in such arbitrary potentials. For example, $V(x)=\sin^2(x/2)$ with $x\in[...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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58 votes
4 answers

What guidelines should I follow when choosing a sparse linear system solver?

Sparse linear systems turn up with increasing frequency in applications. One has a lot of routines to choose from for solving these systems. At the highest level, there is a watershed between direct (...
J. M.'s user avatar
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68 votes
10 answers

What are some good strategies for improving the serial performance of my code?

I work in computational science, and as a result, I spend a non-trivial amount of my time trying to increase the scientific throughput of many codes, as well as understanding the efficiency of these ...
Aron Ahmadia's user avatar
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172 votes
8 answers

Recommendations for a usable, fast C++ matrix library?

Does anyone have recommendations on a usable, fast C++ matrix library? What I mean by usable is the following: Matrix objects have an intuitive interface (ex.: I can use rows and columns while ...
Geoff Oxberry's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

Why is my iterative linear solver not converging?

What can go wrong when using preconditoned Krylov methods from KSP (PETSc's linear solver package) to solve a sparse linear system such as those obtained by discretizing and linearizing partial ...
Jed Brown's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Conservation of a physical quantity when using Neumann boundary conditions applied to the advection-diffusion equation

I don't understand the different behaviour of the advection-diffusion equation when I apply different boundary conditions. My motivation is the simulation of a real physical quantity (particle density)...
boyfarrell's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

full rank update to cholesky decomposition

Let $A$ be a real, symmetric, positive definite matrix. It has at least 500 rows, possibly much more. I compute its Cholesky decomposition, which allows me to calculate $det(A)$ $A^{-1}X$ for some ...
yannick's user avatar
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50 votes
2 answers

What does "symplectic" mean in reference to numerical integrators, and does SciPy's odeint use them?

In this comment I wrote: ...default SciPy integrator, which I'm assuming only uses symplectic methods. in which I am refering to SciPy's odeint, which uses ...
uhoh's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

How to reorder variables to produce a banded matrix of minimum bandwidth?

I'm trying to solve a 2D Poisson equation by finite differences. In the process, I obtain a sparse matrix with only $5$ variables in each equation. For example, if the variables were $U$, then the ...
Paul's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How can I estimate the condition number of a large sparse matrix using PETSc?

I have a PETSc Mat and would like to estimate its condition number.
Jed Brown's user avatar
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78 votes
5 answers

How much better are Fortran compilers really?

This question is an extension of two discussions that came up recently in the replies to "C++ vs Fortran for HPC". And it is a bit more of a challenge than a question... One of the most often-heard ...
Pedro's user avatar
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43 votes
18 answers

Where can one obtain good data sets/test problems for testing algorithms/routines?

In evaluating the quality of a piece of software you are about to use (whether it's something you wrote or a canned package) in computational work, it is often a good idea to see how well it works on ...
23 votes
3 answers

Can diagonal plus fixed symmetric linear systems be solved in quadratic time after precomputation?

Is there an $O(n^3+n^2 k)$ method to solve $k$ linear systems of the form $(D_i + A) x_i = b_i$ where $A$ is a fixed SPD matrix and $D_i$ are positive diagonal matrices? For example, if each $D_i$ is ...
Geoffrey Irving's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Poisson equation finite-difference with pure Neumann boundary conditions

I'm trying to solve a 1D Poisson equation with pure Neumann boundary conditions. I've found many discussions of this problem, e.g. 1) Poisson equation with Neumann boundary conditions 2) Writing the ...
Charles's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Meshing options to generate number of the sides of and element (tetgen-triangle)

I wrote a finite element code in fortran 90. This code is really fast, except the meshing process. I used triangle and tetgen for meshing in 2D and 3D, respectively, so this process is fast, of ...
yemino's user avatar
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