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Questions tagged [tensor]

For questions involving computational modeling with tensors. The most common definitions of a tensor are a multilinear map or simply a multilinear array.

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Mathematica Package for validating effective string theory solution

I am asking for Mathematica package that given an input of: symmetric matrix $G_{\mu\nu}$, antisymmetric matrix $B_{\mu\nu}$ and a scalar function $\Phi$ will check whether it is a solution to the one-...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
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Difference of tensors to construct a higher dimensional tensor in pytorch

Suppose I have two tensors $A_{i_1,\ldots,i_M}$ and $B_{j_1,\ldots,j_N}$ where $M \neq N$ in general. We can define a tensor $C_{i_1,\ldots,i_M,j_1,\ldots,j_N}$ by $$ C_{i_1,\ldots,i_M,j_1,\ldots,j_N} ...
user8469759's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to implement the following operation in pytorch (tensor by equating indices)

I wasn't sure if I should post this on stackoverflow rather than here, but because I have to construct a specific tensor I think here is more suitable. I have 2 tensors, $x \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times N \...
user8469759's user avatar
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Numerical Divergence of a Tensor Field in Spherical Coordinates

I want to calculate the divergence of a rank-2 tensor field $$\nabla \cdot T$$ defined on the surface of a sphere in spherical coordinates. As an example, let the field be given as follows : ...
haricash's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to express an arbitrary tensor contraction in terms of BLAS routines?

I noticed that libraries like numpy and pytorch are able to perform arbitrary tensor contractions at speeds similar to comparably sized matrix multiplications. This leads me to believe that underneath ...
ilya's user avatar
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Apply 3D Operator to Matrix and get new Matrix

Hopefully this question makes sense. I know I can formulate an operator for a vector as a matrix, then apply that matrix to my vector to get a new vector. For example, if I define a left shift ...
Nukesub's user avatar
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Numerical integration in Fourier space over 3D grid

I am attempting to implement a model outlined in this paper: General magnetostatic shape–shape interactions Background This model allows the calculation of magnetostatic interaction energies between ...
JasonC's user avatar
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Rotation of Higher order Tensors

I have a $D$-way tensor of dimensions $n\times n \times \dots \times n$ $(D)$- times. I want to sum the First vectors in all directions. For example, let $\boldsymbol{H}$ is 3-way tensor of dimensions ...
Neuling's user avatar
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Normalisation in tensor networks

I am trying to implement the iTEBD algorithm for the $PXP$ model, i.e, the hamiltonian is $$H = \sum_iP_{i-1}X_iP_{i+1}.$$ Here $P$ is the projector onto the ground state and $X$ is the usual pauli x ...
Souroy's user avatar
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Computing material derivated of tensor quantity

I would like to compute the material derivated of a tensor quantity, in the context of the finite volume method (FVM): The equation is: $$ \frac{\mathrm{d} \textbf{T}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \frac{\partial \...
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Converting a 4 rank matrix to 2 rank matrix after using tensorproduct

Let's say I have a 2x2 matrix (with symbols) called 'A'. Now, if do B = sympy.tensorproduct(A,A) print(sympy.shape(B)) I get, ...
Shashank Saumya's user avatar
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Confusion about bilinear form for elasticity equation in deal.ii tutorial

I'm learning how to solve vector-valued problems with deal.II library. In particular, I'm looking at the following introduction from the official website
FEGirl's user avatar
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3D Matrix (Tensor) Operating On a 1D Vector

Say you have a tensor $T$ and the components are represented by a 3 by 3 by 3 matrix. And you want to use that tensor to map a vector $u$ into a new vector $s$, both of which are 3 by 1 column vectors....
Nukesub's user avatar
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Scaling tensor approximation by symmetric tensor decomposition with SciPy's L-BFGS-B

I am trying to approximate a symmetric tensor of which the values are in the range of [1e-7,1e-4], by a symmetric tensor decomposition of lower rank. For this I am using the L-BFGS-B method in SciPy's ...
Jules's user avatar
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4th order tensor rotation - sources to refer

I am trying to model a linear elastic material in Abaqus using a UMAT. For my application, I need to rotate the 6x6 compliance matrix for a given set of eigenvectors (or a rotation matrix). I came ...
Sagar Shah's user avatar

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