
I have implemented a constraint dynamics physics simulation as proposed by Andrew Witkin et al 1990, but I cannot get the initial constraint "snapping" correctly.

I implemented

$$ JWJ^{T} \lambda = −\dot{J} \dot{q} − J W Q − k_s C − k_d \dot{C}$$

(from here, where $J$ is the jacobian of $C$ with respect with particle positions, $W$ is the weight of each particle, $q$ is the velocity of the particles, $Q$ is the particles accelerations, $C$ is the constraint function value for each constraint, and $\dot{C}$ is the derivative of $C$ with respect to particle positions, $k_s$ and $k_d$ are constants to prevent drift) as:

# f = dJ @ dq + J @ W @ Q + ks * C + kd * dC
# g = J @ W @ J.T
f, g, J, c = SimulationFunctions.matrices(self.ks, self.kd, self.particles, self.constraints)

# Solve for λ in g λ = -f, minimizing ||g λ + f||, where f = dJ dq + J W Q + ks C + kd dC and g = J W J.T

r: scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult = scipy.optimize.least_squares(lambda l: g @ l + f, np.zeros_like(f),
                                                                jac=lambda _: g, method='trf')
l: np.ndarray = r.x
self.error = f"constraint {c} solve {np.linalg.norm(g * l + f)}"

I want to replace the $k_s C + k_d \dot{C}$ term with a better cost that allows the system to smoothly transition into satisfying the constraint, like a "critically damped system". I also get cases where the system simply cannot reach the constraint and explodes or cases where the constraint is satisfied but acts as a spring, causing the system to accelerate.

Here is an example with timestep 0.00001, $k_s = 0.0001$, $k_d = 0.01$ where the particle should approach, then become stationary on a small constraint: particle approaches point, then gains too much acceleration

Here is another example with timestep 0.00001, $k_s = 0.0001$, $k_d = 0.01$ where the particle overshoots and then goes back to the constraint, also I think the acceleration curve is wrong, having low acceleration initially and then accelerating and overshooting: particle goes toward a circular constraint and overshoots

Here is an example with timestep 0.00001, $k_s = 0.001$, $k_d = 0.1$ where a distance constraint causes problems by adding velocity to the system (sorry the quality is bad, I had trouble uploading bigger gifs): more trouble with another constraint

How should I go about getting a "critically damped system" behaviour when the constraint is not satisfied?

My code is here https://github.com/EmmanuelMess/Interactive-Dynamics-Physics-Simulations/tree/master.

Note: I have tried to use the harmonic oscillator model as proposed here but this doesn't work, as the constraint function doesn't have properties that force the system to always behave as a harmonic oscillator. To do this I changed the cost term to: $JWJ^{T} \lambda = −\dot{J} \dot{q} − J W Q − k_s C − \sqrt{4 m k_s} \dot{C} $ (I set $m = 1$ and also set all masses for all particles to 1 to simplify for the test).

Here is the first test with timestep 0.00001, $k_s = 0.001$, $k_d = \sqrt{4*k_s} = 0.0632$: enter image description here

Second test (timestep 0.00001, $k_s = 0.001$, $k_d = \sqrt{4*k_s} = 0.0632$): enter image description here

But for the third test it fails catastrophically (timestep 0.00001, $k_s = 0.001$, $k_d = \sqrt{4*k_s} = 0.0632$): enter image description here

So this didn't work, I think it is because the acceleration of the system (with or without damping) is not taken into account when calculating the damping force. In other words, this is just setting $\ddot{C} = − k_s C − \sqrt{4 m k_s} \dot{C}$ which doesn't really make sense.

  • $\begingroup$ Can you type your problem using MathJax so we can understand what your objective function and what your constraints are? $\endgroup$
    – nicoguaro
    Commented Jul 6 at 23:51
  • $\begingroup$ @nicoguaro I have typed the central equation in MathJax, I can give constraint examples, but the program is meant to be modular as to be able to implement any constraint function. I don't know how much info I should give on the simulation dynamics. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 7 at 0:12
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The MIT OCW notes that you reference show the conventional model of a spring-mass system with viscous damping that is found in many calculus and physics texts. If you say that it "doesn't work" you need to explain in some detail why the damping model you want is not represented by this equation. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 7 at 13:44
  • $\begingroup$ @BillGreene "The MIT OCW notes that you reference show the conventional model of a spring-mass system with viscous damping that is found in many calculus and physics texts." I don't think that's correct, as critically damped system evaluate the position velocity and acceleration to generate the $k,b$ values, but the constraint term doesn't actually take velocity or acceleration into account. I have tried setting $k_d = 4 * W * k_s$ but it doesn't always work. I can add visual examples to the question if you want. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 7 at 16:18
  • $\begingroup$ @BillGreene I tried to add more info to the question, sorry if its difficult to understand, thanks for your time. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 7 at 16:27

1 Answer 1


It seems there is no easy answer to your question, and I think what you are trying to do is not possible unless you restrict somehow the set of constraints that you want to consider.

As a simple example to demostrante that it is not possible to (or at least there is no known way to) solve the problem in general, we can consider the 1-D case.

Let's imagine that you were able to define and implement an algorithm that can simulate a particle that moves along a line until it quitely falls onto a point that is a zero of a generic function $C$. Then you can just use that algorithm to find zeros of any kind of function of a real parameter. This would be worth much more than a Fields medal.

Moreover, I would like to share some intuitions about this problem, even though I could not sketch out formal statements, nor formal proofs.

Sticking to the 1-D case, if you restrict your algorithm to constraint functions $C$ that are monotonic, twice differentiable, amd apply to one particle each, the game could be feasible (gradient descent on $C^2$ could definitely be an option, or maybe the scheme that you were trying to use could work already).

If it works, you could try to scale up to more dimensions, but you have to apply other notions rather than the monotonic one, which would not make sense when you have greater dimensionality (maybe the function should have no local minima/maxima except for those that are also zeros?).

  • $\begingroup$ "Let's imagine that you were able to define and implement an algorithm that can simulate a particle that moves along a line until it quitely falls onto a point that is a zero of a generic function C." My intuition says that this is similar to the gradient descent problem for perceptron neural networks, and that a function C can be defined in terms of nonlinearly activated perceptrons without loss of (input-output) generality. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 17 at 1:38
  • $\begingroup$ $C$ needs to be twice differentiable in terms of $(x,y)$ position for $J$ and $\dot{J}$ to make sense see readme at github.com/EmmanuelMess/… $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 17 at 1:53
  • $\begingroup$ @EmmanuelMess thanks for spotting the mistake, I fixed the answer to mention that C has to be twice differentiable. $\endgroup$
    – Rigel
    Commented Jul 17 at 5:31
  • $\begingroup$ I cannot comment on perceptron neural networks, as I don't know enough of that topic. But it will be interesting to see if you find some interesting partial solution to your problem following that path. $\endgroup$
    – Rigel
    Commented Jul 17 at 5:37
  • $\begingroup$ "if you restrict your algorithm to constraint functions C that are monotonic and twice differentiable, the game could be feasible" Thinking about this a bit more, I think that even when all constraints are monotonic, if constraints are function of other points, you can create systems that endlessly move around a zero, even when they should not. The property on constraint functions should involve some kind of term on how it interacts with other constraint functions. Proving such property sounds like proving that the system will have some kind of Lyapunov stability maybe? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 17 at 19:07

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