The Center for Investigative Reporting empowers the public through investigative journalism and groundbreaking storytelling in order to spark action, improve lives, and protect our democracy. Our mission is to tell stories that hold the powerful accountable and uncover information that would otherwise remain hidden from the public—revealing injustices, exposing threats to public safety, championing human rights, speaking out against environmental degradation, and shining light on fraud and waste of taxpayer funds.

Founded in 1977, CIR is among the most innovative, credible and relevant media organizations in the country. We publish our multiplatform work on our website, public radio program, podcast, and social media platforms, reaching over a million people weekly. We also produce documentaries and television news stories and partner with local and regional outlets to support and empower local news coverage. Our reporting ignites real-world change, from legal investigations to new laws and policy changes.

We are facing an unprecedented number of urgent global crises: a reckoning over racial injustice, devastating climate events, growing wealth gaps, global migration, the rise of fascism and the destabilization of democratic institutions.

Powerful interests have contributed to every one of these crises and stand to benefit from all of them.

At Reveal, we pour the necessary time and resources into unearthing original stories that hold people and institutions accountable for the problems they’ve caused or benefited from. 

Our investigative reporting consistently contributes to real-world impact, from civil and criminal investigations to new laws and policies, better-informed conversations and community-driven solutions. 

As a nonprofit, our bottom line is the public interest. We have the courage, freedom and independence to dedicate our entire newsroom to this work because we’re powered by support from foundations, individual donors, and readers and listeners like you. 

Our members keep us going.

Whether you’re a fan of our podcast and radio show, our weekly newsletter or our narrative, visual and data reporting here on our website, our team thanks you for your support.

Learn more about giving to Reveal via a donor-advised fund, stocks or planned gift. 

Learn more about who funds and supports our work. 

Reveal is a registered trademark of The Center for Investigative Reporting and is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.