Forecasting development trends of Ukraine's IT industry and its components using a fuzzy expert system

Project Details


IT industry in Ukraine is relatively young but it has become an important element in creating a positive image for the country. At the end of 2021, this industry provided $6.8 billion in revenues to the Ukrainian economy and IT services exports share amounted to about 2.7% of country's GDP. The IT industry influence growth continued until the war outbreak and in February 2022 reached a record monthly export figure of $839 million. In March 2022, the Ukrainian IT industry lost 35% of the computer services exports volume, namely $317 million, compared with exports in February 2022.

Expert systems can be used as a predictive tool in decision-making under uncertainty at all levels of IT industry management, e.g. at macro level, in activities of institutions whose competence includes the development of the IT industry, and at micro level, in strategic planning for the development of specific IT clusters, individual IT companies or their professional associations.

Regular monitoring and forecasting of IT industry development trends will contribute to the development of effective solutions aimed at the development of the internal IT market, directing financial flows within the economy and increasing the share of IT sector in the country's GDP.
Effective start/end date29/03/2331/08/23