Nikos Adamidis


Personal profile


Nikos' expertise lies in strategy development, business analysis and planning. During his professional career Nikos has gathered valuable experience in business enabling and strategy making roles across both public and private sectors in highly regulated industries such as transport, energy, finance, consulting and utilities.

Research interests

Nikos' research focuses on the ways highly regulated businesses engage with policy makers to advance their strategies.

My collaborations

Dr Andrew James and Dr Mercedes Bleda

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, Business and Management, Alliance Manchester Business School

Developing Intellectual Leaders Programme, Alliance Manchester Business School

Bachelor of Science, Economics, Athens University of Economics & Business

Development Economics, National & Capodistrian University of Athens

Analysis of the Greek Development, National & Capodistrian University of Athens

Master of Science, Energy Management, The University of Stirling

External positions

National Highways Limited

Feb 2019 → …


  • Strategy
  • Regulation
  • Policy


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