Maulana Aditama


Personal profile


Maulana Rizki Aditama is a current Ph.D. student, working on the Structural and Architecture of Lower Carboniferous Limestone in the Irish Basin. His Ph.D. project is a research collaboration between the UK government under the British Geological Survey and the University of Manchester. He is being supervised by Prof Cathy Hollis, Prof Mads Huuse and Darren Jones (from the BGS). 

Email : [email protected]


Education/Academic qualification

Master of Geology, Integrated Structural Model of the Boyne Prospect : Implication towards the Column Height and Fluid Flow, University of Leeds

20 Sept 201611 Sept 2017

Award Date: 11 Sept 2017

Bachelor of Science, Reservoir Characterisation of interbedded Sand-Shale lithology in Asri Basin with Elastic Impedance Inversion Method, Gadjah Mada University

20 Aug 201011 Nov 2014

Award Date: 11 Nov 2014

Areas of expertise

  • QE Geology
  • 3D structure, structural model, seismic interpretation,


  • carbonates
  • seismic
  • aditama