Alexander Samely


  • Religions and Theology, SALC
    The University of Manchester
    Samuel Alexander Building
    Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

Personal profile


Religions and Theology, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, Samuel Alexander Buliding
The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL
Email: [email protected]
Tel. (0)161-2753072

Further information

Office hours

Office Hours Tuesdays 3–4 and Wednesdays 11–12.




MA in Philosophy Frankfurt 1985, MSt in Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period Oxford 1984, DPhil Oriental Studies (Targums) Oxford 1989. I led a major AHRC project on the "Typology of Pseudepigraphic and Anonymous Jewish Literature c.200 BCE to 700 CE" between 2007 and 2012. It produced a new approach to the description of ancient Jewish literature, the so-called Manchester-Durham Inventory.

See for the Manchester-Durham Inventory of literary description online (as html): 

For more than 200 ancient Jewish works profiled according to the Inventory and linked through the databse, see:

And for a description of the project, see :

Research interests

  • Literary structures in ancient Jewish literature, including biblical and talmudic literature
  • Ancient Jewish Bible interpretation, including Midrash, Targum, Pesher and Re-Written Scripture
  • The legal discourse of talmudic literature
  • The philosophical thought of Spinoza, Husserl, Rosenzweig, Buber and Levinas
  • Theories of Reading
  • Hebrew Manuscripts
  • The Phenomenology of Reading

Further information

I am an editor of the monograph series Studia Judaica published by Walter de Gruyter (Berlin), together with Charlotte Fonrobert (Stanford), Elisabeth Hollender (Frankfurt), Günter Stemberger (Vienna) and Irene Zwiep (Amsterdam).

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Creative Manchester


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