Remote Synthesis

The personal blog of Brian Rinaldi

9 May 2024

Community is a Tamagotchi

Many companies handle community wrong because they focus on outcomes over inputs. Here's some tips on how to think about community.

30 Apr 2024

Navigating the Buzzwords of Frontend Development

A guide to commonly used jargon in the frontend and full-stack development world.

21 Jan 2024

The Jamstacked Newsletter has a New Home

Thanks to Cooper Press for hosting it these recent years. Look for future newsletters through CFE

18 Jan 2024 2024 - A Free, 2-day Virtual WebDev Conference

We're less than a week away from the best event of the year. Ok, I'm biased, but take a look.

15 Jan 2024

What is Jamstack in 2024?

All good things must come to an end and so, most likely, must my annual Jamstack update. But what have we lost in the process?

2 Jan 2024

What to Expect for Developers in 2024 (My Predictions)

I make my (not so bold) predictions for 2024 around web development, AI, developer events and DevRel.

26 Nov 2023

Updating Your Netlify Functions to 2.0

Netlify Functions 2.0 offer some important improvements, but, to take advantage of them, you'll need to make some simple updates.

21 Nov 2023

Building a (Virtual) Events Site

What does it take to build and run a site that hosts virtual events? Let's dig into how mine is set up.