Fast Five Quiz: Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer Imaging

Maurie Markman, MD


February 13, 2024

Up to 10% of breast cancer cases are metastatic at presentation. Despite decreasing rates of distant relapse worldwide, metastatic recurrence remains a significant issue in clinical practice.

Whereas breast cancer diagnosis is largely based on histopathologic assessment, disease staging is largely reliant on imaging. Imaging also plays an essential role in treatment selection and monitoring.

There are various imaging modalities used to assess disease severity and response to treatment in patients with breast cancer. The broadest types of imaging are based on radiography, magnetic field, and ultrasonography. Other imaging modalities include CT, fluorodeoxyglucose PET, and bone scans.

Currently, there is no single approach to imaging that can comprehensively cover all aspects of breast cancer management. Therefore, clinicians need to be aware of sufficient imaging strategies for pre- and posttreatment.

How familiar are you with imaging practices for advanced/metastatic breast cancer? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.


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