Fast Five Quiz: Ovarian Cancer

Michel E. Rivlin, MD


September 27, 2018

Ovarian cancer is the most common cause of cancer death from gynecologic tumors in the United States. Worldwide, more than 200,000 women are estimated to develop ovarian cancer every year and about 100,000 die of the disease. The lifetime risk of a woman developing epithelial ovarian cancer is 1 in 70.

Malignant ovarian lesions include primary lesions arising from normal structures within the ovary and secondary lesions from cancers arising elsewhere in the body. Primary lesions include epithelial ovarian carcinoma (70% of all ovarian cancers). Current research suggests that most of these originate from the fallopian tubes.

Are you familiar with key components of presentation, workup, and treatment for ovarian cancer? Test your knowledge of this serious condition with our short quiz.


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