About Us

About Quartz

Founded in 2012, Quartz is a guide to the biggest business stories right now and the ones coming around the corner.

Quartz covers the biggest companies and the people who drive them, along with everything you need to know about business, technology and innovation, money and markets, leadership, and lifestyle.

Quartz readers are business leaders and the next generation of business leaders.

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Get in touch

We’re eager to hear from you. See below for contact information specific to your needs.

  • Quartz membership program
    You can find information about our membership program here. If you still have questions, email members@qz.com.
  • Contacting the Quartz Staff
    Tap or click any byline on Quartz for that writer’s email address, social media accounts, and latest stories.
  • Quartz Creative and our media kit
    View the Quartz Creative showcase site here, and get in touch with us about advertising opportunities at advertising@g-omedia.com. For further information see g-omedia.com.
  • If you’re having trouble with our products
    Please report bugs and other technical issues you may experience with any of Quartz’s products to support@qz.com. We’ll address the issue as soon as we can.
  • Press inquiries
    For media and broadcast inquiries, speaker requests, and press passes to Quartz events, please contact press@qz.com.
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    To license Quartz articles for republication in print or digital formats, contact our official partner, Wright’s Media about available usages, license fees, and award seal artwork at QuartzMedia@wrightsmedia.com. Please note that Wright’s Media is the only authorized company that we’ve partnered with for Quartz Media brand materials. For more information, please click here.
  • RSS feeds
    Here’s our RSS feed of all stories published on QZ.com.
  • Mailing address
    Quartz has staff throughout the world, but our headquarters are in New York City. Our mailing address is 1290 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10104.