May 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): López, Arnoldo;Ruiz-Arranz, Marta;Jiménez, Melanie;Eggers Prieto, Carlos;Martin Rivero, Lucia;Sibaja, Josué;Deza, María Cecilia;Navajas, Sergio;Paz, Marcelo;Schneider, Christian
It is estimated that the region of Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic (CAPARD) will experience growth in 2024 that is below the historical average, with more stringent financial…
May 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): López, Arnoldo;Ruiz-Arranz, Marta;Jiménez, Melanie;Eggers Prieto, Carlos;Martin Rivero, Lucia;Sibaja, Josué;Deza, María Cecilia;Navajas, Sergio;Paz, Marcelo;Schneider, Christian
Se estima que la región de Centroamérica, Panamá y República Dominicana (CAPARD) tendrá en 2024 un crecimiento menor al promedio histórico y sus condiciones financieras serán más astringentes. En…
May 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Izquierdo, Alejandro;Robles, Edgar A.;Tapia Troncoso, Waldo
In the wake of the global turmoil unleashed by COVID-19, Latin America and the Caribbean faces a glaring gap in understanding the impact of the pandemic on pension systems. Through a collaboration…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Izquierdo, Alejandro
Latin America and the Caribbean overcame significant economic challenges in 2023 and exceeded growth expectations thanks to the strong macroeconomic fundamentals it laid in recent years. The region…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Izquierdo, Alejandro
América Latina y el Caribe superó importantes retos económicos en 2023 y excedió las expectativas de crecimiento gracias a los sólidos fundamentos macroeconómicos que estableció en los últimos años.…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Izquierdo, Alejandro
América Latina e Caribe superaram desafios econômicos significativos em 2023 e ultrapassaram as expectativas de crescimento graças aos sólidos fundamentos macroeconômicos estabelecidos nos últimos…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Estevez, Elsa;Janowski, Tomasz;Roseth, Benjamin
Government organizations worldwide are harvesting the transformative potential of digital technologies to automate interactions with citizens, businesses, and each other. Automation can bring…
May 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Prats Cabrera, Joan Oriol;Hinojosa, Sergio Alejandro;Roque Loyola, Heinz G.;Montecinos, Jorge G.;Moraga, Enrique;Carrillo, Camilo;Guerra, José Luis
El análisis de riesgos se encuentra en el corazón de las asociaciones público-privadas (APP), que en esencia son un mecanismo contractual para compartir riesgos entre el sector público y el privado…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
Debt has risen around the world, and Latin America and the Caribbean is no exception. Total debt has grown to US$5.8 trillion, or 117 percent of GDP, for the region and as much as 140 percent of GDP…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
La deuda ha aumentado en todo el mundo y América Latina y el Caribe no es la excepción. La deuda total ha crecido hasta alcanzar unos US$5,8 billones o el 117% del producto interno bruto (PIB) de la…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
O endividamento aumentou em todo o mundo, e a região da América Latina e Caribe no é exceção. A dívida total subiu para US$ 5,8 trilhes - ou 117% do PIB na região como um todo, chegando a 140% do PIB…
Feb 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Reyes-Tagle, Gerardo;Musacchio, Aldo;Hosein, Roger;Wagner, Rodrigo;Pan, Carolina;Yu, Fernando;Park, Yery;Gookool, Rebeca;Escobar, Bernardita;La Cruz, Tamira;Araya, Sergio;Figueroa, Camila;Rosso, Lucas
This book examines the role of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in contributing to the fiscal instability of the Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago (CCB6), with the…
Feb 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cornick, Jorge;Frieden, Jeffry;Mesquita Moreira, Mauricio;Stein, Ernesto H.
Few propositions in economics are as widely accepted as the theory of comparative advantage: If two countries have a comparative advantage in the production of different goods and services, trade can…
Jan 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Keefer, Philip;Scartascini, Carlos
La confianza es el problema más acuciante y, sin embargo, el menos abordado al que se enfrenta América Latina y el Caribe. Ya se trate de los demás, del gobierno o de las empresas, la confianza en la…
Jan 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Keefer, Philip;Scartascini, Carlos
La confianza es el problema más acuciante y, sin embargo, el menos abordado al que se enfrenta América Latina y el Caribe. Ya se trate de los demás, del gobierno o de las empresas, la confianza en la…
May 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Porrúa, Miguel;Lafuente, Mariano;Roseth, Benjamin;Ripani, Laura;Mosqueira, Edgardo;Reyes, Angela;Fuenzalida, Javier;Suárez, Francisco;Salas, Rodrigo
Achievement of the aspirations associated with digital transformation held by governments worldwide--better services, greater transparency, more administrative efficiency--depend on the public…
May 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Porrúa, Miguel;Lafuente, Mariano;Roseth, Benjamin;Ripani, Laura;Mosqueira, Edgardo;Reyes, Angela;Fuenzalida, Javier;Suárez, Francisco;Salas, Rodrigo
Todas las aspiraciones asociadas a la transformación digital que tienen los gobiernos alrededor del mundo --mejores servicios, mayor transparencia, más eficiencia administrativa-- dependen de los…
May 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Porrúa, Miguel;Lafuente, Mariano;Roseth, Benjamin;Ripani, Laura;Mosqueira, Edgardo;Reyes, Angela;Fuenzalida, Javier;Suárez, Francisco;Salas, Rodrigo
Todas as aspirações dos governos ao redor do mundo referentes à transformação digital melhores serviços, maior transparência, mais eficiencia administrativa dependem dos funcionários públicos que a…
Feb 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Beuermann, Diether;Schwartz, Moises;Reyes-Tagle, Gerardo;Silvani, Carlos;Ospina, Laura;Fajgenbaum, Jose;Loser, Claudio;Mooney, Henry;Prats Cabrera, Joan Oriol;Rosenblatt, David;Ter-Minassian, Teresa;Ossowski, Rolando;Giles Álvarez, Laura;Gauto, Victor;Khadan, Jeetendra;Zegarra, Maria Alejandra;De Haan, Jakob;Rojas-Suárez, Liliana;Beck, Thorsten
This volume focuses on economic institutions defined as rules and organizational arrangements that, if they govern the design and implementation of fiscal and monetary policies, can better align…
Nov 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Jimenez Mori, Raul Alberto;Yépez-García, Ariel
How do households consume and spend on energy? What are the drivers of their spending and consumption patterns? How does energy consumption has evolved? What is to be expected as the region climbs…