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The Trustee Board (a maximum of 12) consists of the Officers (Chair, Chair-elect, Vice-chair, Secretary, and Treasurer) and immediate Past Chair, elected members and co-opted members. The Officers and the Trustee Board are elected by the Constitutional Members. Trustees agree to uphold the principles in the COPE code of ethics for the Trustee Board and Council. Members of the Trustee Board are Trustees under charity legislation and Directors of the limited company under company law. Trustees, along with Council Members, are also Constitutional Members under company law. The Trustee Board meets four times a year and is led by the COPE Chair.

Page last updated 19 March 2024

Current Trustees

(For image copyright, please see individual Trustee pages)

Howard Browman

Elected Trustee and Council Member
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Susan Garfinkel

Co-opted Trustee
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Tim Kersjes

Elected Trustee
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James WM Kigera

Elected Trustee
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Trevor Lane

Elected Trustee and Council Member
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Caroline Porter

Elected Trustee
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Emilio J Sanz

Elected Trustee
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