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Special Lab Projects: Independent Research

Students who would like to pursue independent research in the Department of Psychology can arrange with a faculty member to do so for course credit.

To get started:

  1.  Browse each faculty member's areas of research and review each lab website thoroughly, then choose a faculty member whose research is in alignment with your interests. Below is a list of labs in the psychology department with a direct link to how to get involved. This will give you a lot of information, including the size of the lab, the types of projects currently being pursued, and recent publications.
  2. Follow the instructions found on the lab's "How to Join" page or set up a meeting with the faculty member you would like to work with to discuss opportunities to work in his/her lab.
  3. Once you have found and been accepted into a lab, you can register for PSYCH 195 to receive academic credit. Each faculty member has his/her own PSYCH 195 section. The general formula for determining units is: 1 unit = 3 hours of work per week.


Mind & Body Lab, Alia Crum

Life-span Development Lab, Laura Carstensen

Language Cognition Lab, Mike Frank

Gardner Lab, Justin Gardner

Causality in Cognition Lab, Tobias Gerstenberg

Social Learning Lab, Hyo Gweon

Computation & Cognition Lab, Noah Goodman

Stanford Neurodevelopment, Affect, and Psychopathology Lab, Ian Gotlib

Stanford Vision and Perception Neuroscience Lab, Kalanit Grill-Spector

Psychophysiology Lab, James Gross

Symbiotic Project on Affective Neuroscience Lab, Brian Knutson

The Markman Lab, Ellen Markman

SPARQlab, Jennifer Eberhardt & Hazel Markus

Poldrack Lab, Russ Poldrack

Social Concepts Lab, Steven Roberts

Culture and Emotion Lab, Jeanne Tsai

Memory Lab, Anthony Wagner

Brain Development & Education Lab, Jason Yeatman

Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab, Jamil Zaki