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Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice

ISSN (online) 2575-5609
An Open-Access Journal from the American Psychiatric Association
Editor: Kimberly Yonkers, M.D.



Kimberly Yonkers Introduces the Journal

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    News and Announcements

    Call for submissions:

    To submit your paper, please visit the manuscript submission site at Manuscript Central and either create an account or use your existing account. Then follow the instructions to upload your manuscript. All submissions must include a title page and be accompanied by a cover letter and list of suggested reviewers.

    Questions about Open Access?

    Learn more.

    More from PRCP Editor Kim Yonkers, M.D.:

    Listen to Editor Kim Yonkers discuss a new FDA-approved drug for postpartum depression on NPR’s “On Point.”

    Read a Psychiatric News interview with PRCP Editor Kim Yonkers, M.D., and meet the distinguished members of the Editorial Board.