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Published Online: 10 September 2020

National Trends in Outpatient Mental Health Service Use Among Adults Between 2008 and 2015



This study sought to characterize recent trends in mental health visits of adult outpatients to primary care physicians (PCPs), specialty mental health providers (SMHPs), and other providers (non–primary care physicians, specialists other than SMHPs, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants). Trends determined by degree of patients’ psychological distress and in the types of treatments received within different settings were also examined.


Data were from the household component of the nationally representative Medical Expenditure Panel Survey for the 2008–2011 and 2012–2015 periods for adults ages ≥18 years (N=13,111) who had a mental health outpatient visit. Bivariate logistic regression was used to compare means between the two periods.


The percentage of adults having mental health outpatient visits increased between the two periods, largely driven by an increase in visits with providers other than SMHPs and PCPs, which rose from 11.9% (N=667) to 15.5% (N=1,048). Outpatient mental health visits with PCPs decreased from 29.0% (N=1,802) to 26.8% (N=1,945). The proportion of respondents with mental health outpatient visits increased both among those with high psychological distress and among those with low or no psychological distress (from 30.7% [N=1,332] to 36.2% [N=1,491] and from 6.0% [N=4,516] to 6.9% [N=5,772], respectively). The percentage of respondents receiving only psychotropic medication decreased over the two periods.


Mental health outpatient visits for adults increased between 2008 and 2015, and visits with SMHPs remained relatively stable during that time. A greater understanding of recent trends in types of outpatient mental health services may help identify targets for future mental health workforce studies.


Over the 2008–2015 period, outpatient mental health visits for adults increased overall.
Although the percentage of visits with specialty mental health providers remained relatively stable, and the percentage of visits with primary care physicians decreased, visits with other types of providers significantly increased.
Overall, the percentage of respondents receiving only psychotropic medication decreased across all settings of care.
Since 1995, the use of outpatient mental health services by adults has been rising in the United States (14). This overall upsurge reflects increasing numbers of mental health–related visits with both primary care providers and specialty mental health providers (SMHPs) (5, 6). Several changes in the practice and policy environment since 2008 and decreased stigma may have driven more recent increases in mental health treatment (3). The proliferation of the collaborative care model for delivering integrated mental health and medical care in primary care settings has improved access to care for a range of mental health conditions (7). Furthermore, multiple policies, including the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (8), the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (9, 10), and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (particularly the essential health benefits clauses), have aimed to make mental health services more affordable (11).
In spite of improvements in financial support for mental health treatment and increases in the use of outpatient mental health services, concerns remain that many people with mental health conditions are not receiving treatment (3, 12) or receive inadequate treatment (1315). Many individuals may face high barriers to accessing mental health care, in part because of insufficient numbers of SMHPs (i.e., psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, or counselors) (16, 17). In 2018, the Health Resources and Services Administration estimated that the United States had 5,124 areas of shortage of mental health professionals (18). Furthermore, patients with serious psychological distress may not have timely access to SMHPs (12) and may experience delays in receiving recommended adjunctive psychotherapy or mental health counseling along with psychotropic medications (14). Primary care physicians (PCPs) are often the first point of contact in the health care system for patients with mental health concerns (19, 20). However, PCPs may not have the time nor the expertise to treat patients with more serious mental health conditions. It is thus important to examine the types of mental health treatment that patients are receiving in different settings.
Research on the delivery of mental health services has traditionally focused on visits with PCPs and SMHPs (3, 5, 12, 21). An examination of trends in sources of outpatient mental health care found that between 2005 and 2015, among adults with any outpatient mental health visit, the percentage of visits with SMHPs increased (12). Examination of other mental health care providers, including other specialists or primary care providers other than PCPs such as nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs), has been largely absent from the literature. Given that the NP and PA workforces (22), specifically, the psychiatric mental health (PMH) advanced-practice registered nurse (APRN) workforce, have been growing over the past 20 years (23), it is critical to examine the contributions of these providers to outpatient mental health care.
Using national survey data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) gathered between 2008 and 2015, here we report trends not considered in previous MEPS-based studies (i.e., trends in visits with other providers) and sought to answer the following questions. Over this period, were there changes in the types of providers and combinations of providers that adults were seeing for mental health–related reasons? Did visits with different types of providers vary by the degree of psychological distress? Were some visits with providers (i.e., physicians practicing in specialties other than primary care and SMHPs, NPs, and PAs, herein referred to as “other providers”) not captured in previous studies? Did the types of treatment (i.e., number of visits, psychotropic medication, psychotherapy or mental health counseling, and combination of medication and counseling) change for patients seeing different types of providers? A greater understanding of recent trends in the sources and types of outpatient mental health services may help identify targets for future mental health workforce studies.


Data Source, Sample, and Measures

Our data source was the 2008–2015 MEPS–Household Component (MEPS-HC), a set of large-scale surveys of household members and their medical providers across the United States. The MEPS collects data on health care utilization, costs, and insurance coverage (24, 25). The survey has a panel design, featuring several rounds of interviewing covering 2 full calendar years. The sampling frame is drawn from respondents to the National Health Interview Survey. Surveyed households are selected from communities across the United States to create a nationally representative sample. This research relies entirely on deidentified, publicly available data and was exempted from human subjects review by the institutional review board of the University of Pittsburgh.
The sample included all adult (age ≥18 years) MEPS respondents, which we split into two groups representing two periods, 2008–2011 and 2012–2015. Among the 204,456 respondents, 13,111 (6.4%) had at least one mental health–related outpatient visit: 5,848 in 2008–2011 and 7,263 in 2012–2015. For an explanation of how our measures were derived from the survey questions, see the online supplement. Respondents were asked to identify the condition that led them to visit a care provider. We defined “mental health–related outpatient visits” as visits that contained at least one of the following mental disorder clinical classification codes: 650 (adjustment disorder), 651 (anxiety disorder), 657 (mood disorder), 658 (personality disorders), 659 (schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder), and 662 (suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury).
Respondents were also asked about the specialty of the provider they saw. We grouped the provider for each visit into three categories: PCPs, SMHPs, and other providers. PCPs included physicians specializing in family medicine, general practitioner, general internists, general pediatricians, as well as obstetricians and gynecologists. SMHPs included psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. The other-provider category included all other provider types, including physicians not in primary care, non-SMHP specialties, NPs, and PAs. The MEPS does not list specialties for NPs or PAs.
The MEPS asked respondents about the type of care provided during each outpatient visit, with response categories including psychotherapy or mental health counseling. Respondents were asked whether medications were prescribed and filled during visits with providers they identified, and they provided the name of the prescriptions filled. Therapeutic class codes were imputed by MEPS. Psychotropic medications were identified by the therapeutic class codes (67–70, 76, 77, 79, 208–210, 242, 249–251, 280, 306–308, and 341) and included antidepressants, anxiolytics and sedatives, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and stimulants.
The Kessler 6 Scale (K6) is a six-item inventory that asks about distress in the 30 days before the administration of the inventory (26). The psychometric properties of the K6 are robust in the adult population (26). Sample questions include “During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel: nervous? hopeless? restless or fidgety?” Five responses range from “all of the time” to “none of the time.” Additional questions ask about how those feelings affected the individual. We stratified our analyses by whether patients had a K6 score of ≥13, which is a standard indicator of psychological distress (26). High psychological distress indicated by the K6 is strongly associated with use of outpatient, inpatient, and emergency health services (27).

Statistical Analysis

We calculated means and totals using MEPS pooled survey weights. MEPS survey weights account for MEPS differential sampling probabilities and nonresponses. Moreover, the construction of survey weights involves poststratification to external control totals. Pooled survey weights allow researchers to calculate means and other statistics across sample years. The means for each of the two periods were compared by using linear regressions, which were adjusted for MEPS survey design (16). To calculate differences between the two periods, we used linear regression adjusted for demographic characteristics, including gender, age (18–39, 40–64, and ≥65 years), race-ethnicity (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic, or other), and income (household income more than or less than 200% of the federal poverty level).
We first compared trends in outpatient mental health visits with different provider types (PCP, SMHP, both PCP and SMHP, and other) between 2008–2011 and 2012–2015. Next, among MEPS respondents who had a mental health visit, we compared trends in site of outpatient mental health service visits between the two periods. These analyses were performed with the whole sample and separately for each K6 severity group, in which case we used MEPS self-administered questionnaire survey weights. Last, only among respondents with a mental health visit did we compare trends in the number of visits and type of treatment. These visits included treatment with only a psychotropic medication, with both a psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medication, only with psychotherapy or mental health counseling, with both psychotherapy or mental health counseling and a nonpsychtropic medication, and with both psychotherapy or mental health counseling and a psychotropic medication. To examine whether trends varied by demographic characteristics, we performed a supplemental analysis of trends in outpatient mental health visits across all respondents and mental health service users, stratified by gender, age, race-ethnicity, and income (see online supplement). All statistical analyses were performed with Stata-SE, version 15.


Respondent Characteristics

The demographic characteristics of respondents who had an outpatient mental health visit in 2008–2011 or 2012–2015 are summarized in Table 1. The 2012–2015 period had a greater proportion of respondents age 65 or older than did the 2008–2011 period (18.8% vs. 17.0%, p<0.001). Additionally, the proportion of respondents who were non-Hispanic white decreased (67.7% vs. 64.9%, p<0.001), and the proportion of respondents reporting their race as Hispanic or as other increased (14.1% vs. 15.3% and 6.7% vs. 8.2%, respectively, both p<0.001) between 2008–2011 and 2012–2015.
TABLE 1. Demographic characteristics of respondents to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) who had an outpatient mental health visit, 2008–2011 and 2012–2015a
 2008–2011 (N=98,888)2012–2015 (N=105,568)Adjusted difference
CharacteristicN%N%Coeff.b95% CIp
Gender: female52,89751.656,36251.8.08−.43, .59.75
Age group       
 18–3942,43339.745,31839.0−.66−1.54, .23.146
 40–6441,51043.343,57942.2−1.26−2.14, −.38.005
 ≥6514,94517.016,67118.81.921.16, 2.67<.001
 Non-Hispanic white45,66167.742,62764.9−2.88−3.95, −1.82<.001
 Non-Hispanic Black19,01011.521,46811.7.21−.38, .8.48
 Hispanic25,09314.130,56115.31.41.91, 1.92<.001
 Other9,1246.710,9128.21.26.62, 1.9<.001
Income: <200% of the federal poverty level40,11130.344,36630.4.17­−.76, 1.1.722
Data are from the MEPS, and MEPS pooled person weights were used to calculate percentages and differences. Differences and their statistical significance levels were calculated from linear regressions with MEPS survey weights, strata, and primary sampling units.
Coeff., coefficient.

Outpatient Mental Health Visits

Among all respondents, between 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, the percentage of mental health–related outpatient visits overall increased (Table 2). The percentage of respondents in our sample with at least one outpatient mental health visit statistically significantly increased from 7.1% to 8.2% (p<0.001) between the two periods. The percentages of respondents with any mental health–related outpatient visit with an SMHP also significantly increased from 4.2% to 4.8% (p<0.001), as did those of respondents who used only SMHPs for mental health–related outpatient visits (from 3.7% to 4.2%, p<0.001). Among respondents with mental health visits, most were visits only with SMHPs (51.5% and 51.2%). Between the two periods, the percentage of visits only with PCPs significantly decreased from 29.0% to 26.8% (p=0.018), and the percentage of visits only with other providers increased from 11.9% to 15.5% (p<0.001). Within the other-provider category, the mental health visits specifically with NPs increased from 314 to 549 (corresponding to an increase in survey-weighted percentages from 9.2% to 14.5%, respectively).
TABLE 2. Trends in U.S. outpatient mental health visits among Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) respondents, 2008–2011 and 2012–2015a
 2008–20112012–2015Adjusted difference
Mental health visit categoryN%N%Coeff.b95% CIp
All respondents (N=204,456)       
 Any mental health visit5,8487.17,2638.21.35.95, 1.76<.001
 Any mental health visit with a primary care physician (PCP)2,2492.62,4562.8.21−.02, .45.077
 Any mental health visit with a specialty mental health provider (SMHP)3,3794.24,2704.8.71.41, 1.02<.001
 Mental health visits with PCP only1,8022.11,9452.2.19−.01, .39.063
 Mental health visits with SMHP only2,9323.73,7594.2.69.41, .97<.001
 Visits with PCP and SMHP447.5511.5.02−.07, .12.635
 Visits with other provider only667.81,0481.3.45.29, .61<.001
Mental health services users (N=13,111)       
 Visits with PCP only1,80229.01,94526.8−2.73−4.99, −.47.018
 Visits with SMHP only2,93251.53,75951.2.16−2.26, 2.59.895
 Visits with both PCP and SMHP4477.65116.6−.97−2.14, .2.104
 Visits with other provider only66711.91,04815.53.541.69, 5.4<.001
Data are from the MEPS, and MEPS pooled person weights were used to calculate percentages and differences. PCP specialties included family medicine, general practitioner, general internists, and general pediatricians, as well as obstetricians and gynecologists. SMHPs included psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. Other providers included other physician specialties, nurse practitioners, and other provider types (e.g., physician assistant, licensed practical nurse). Differences and their statistical significance levels were calculated from linear regressions with MEPS survey weights, strata, and primary sampling units. Differences were adjusted for gender, age group, race-ethnicity, and income.
Coeff., coefficient.

Outpatient Mental Health Services Use by Provider Type and K6 Score

Between 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, the percentage of respondents with mental health–related outpatient visits increased both among those with low or no psychological distress (from 6.0% to 6.9%, p<0.001) and with high psychological distress (from 30.7% to 36.2%, p<0.001) (Table 3). In both patient groups, the percentages of those with any mental health–related outpatient visit with SMHPs and mental health–related outpatient visits with only SMHPs increased (K6<13: from 3.4% to 3.8%, p<0.001, and from 3.0% to 3.4%, p<0.001; K6≥13: from 19.4% to 23.3%, p<0.002, and from 15.7% to 19.6%, p<0.001).
TABLE 3. Trends in U.S. outpatient mental health services use by provider type and K6 score, 2008–2011 and 2012–2015a
 2008–20112012–2015Adjusted difference
Mental health visit categoryN%N%Coeff.b95% CIp
Respondents with low psychological distress (K6<13)c       
 All respondents (N=195,182)(N=94,047)(N=101,135)   
  Any mental health visit4,5166.05,7726.91.17.79, 1.55<.001
  Any mental health visit with a primary care physician (PCP)1,7082.21,9322.3.17−.03, .38.097
  Any mental health visit with a specialty mental health provider (SMHP)2,5293.43,2733.8.57.27, .88<.001
  Mental health visits with PCP only1,4231.81,5751.9.14−.03, .32.109
  Mental health visits with SMHP only2,2443.02,9163.4.54.25, .84<.001
  Visits with PCP and SMHP285.4357.4.03−.06, .12.486
  Visits with other provider only564.89241.2.45.29, .62<.001
 All mental health services users (N=10,288)(N=4,516)(N=5,772)   
  Visits with PCP only1,42330.11,57527.3−3.37−5.96, −.79.011
  Visits with SMHP only2,24450.52,91649.6−.38−3.21, 2.45.789
  Visits with both PCP and SMHP2856.63575.9−.66−1.98, .66.328
  Visits with other provider only56412.892417.24.412.18, 6.65<.001
Respondents with high psychological distress (K6≥13)c       
 All respondents (N=9,274)d(N=4,841)(N=4,433)   
  Any mental health visit1,33230.71,49136.25.22.49, 7.90<.001
  Any mental health visit with PCP54112.552413.2.63−1.47, 2.72.556
  Any mental health visit with SMHP85019.499723.33.631.37, 5.89.002
  Mental health visits with PCP only3798.73709.5.78−1.08, 2.64.409
  Mental health visits with SMHP only68815.784319.63.781.77, 5.8<.001
  Visits with PCP and SMHP1623.81543.7−.15−1.22, .91.778
  Visits with other provider only1032.61243.4.78−.18, 1.75.112
 All mental health services users (N=2,823)(N=1,332)(N=1,491)   
  Visits with PCP only37928.437026.4−1.75−6.41, 2.92.461
  Visits with SMHP only68851.184354.12.94−1.96, 7.84.239
  Visits with both PCP and SMHP16212.315410.2−2.16−5.21, .89.164
  Visits with other provider only1038.31249.4.97−1.87, 3.81.502
Data are from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). MEPS pooled supplementary analysis questionnaire weights were used to calculate percentages and totals. PCP specialties included family medicine, general practitioner, general internists, and general pediatricians, as well as obstetricians and gynecologists. SMHPs included psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. Other providers included other physician specialties, nurse practitioners, and other provider types (e.g., physician assistant, licensed practical nurse). Differences and their statistical significance levels were calculated from linear regressions with MEPS supplementary analysis questionnaire weights, strata, and primary sampling units. Differences were adjusted for gender, age group, race-ethnicity, and income.
Coeff., coefficient.
K6, Kessler 6 Scale.
Totals include respondents who had high psychological distress but no mental health visits.
Among those with low or no psychological distress, the mental health–related outpatient visits with only other providers also increased between the two periods (from 0.8% to 1.2%, p<0.001). Among participants with mental health–related outpatient visits, most respondents (both with low or no psychological distress and with high psychological distress) were treated only by SMHPs. Among those with low or no psychological distress, mental health–related outpatient visits only with PCPs decreased 2.8 percentage points (from 30.1% to 27.3%, p<0.011) and visits with only other providers increased by 4.4 percentage points (from 12.8% to 17.2%, p<0.001). Among respondents with high psychological distress, no significant shift was detected in the distribution of mental health visits across different provider types.

Outpatient Mental Health Services Use Frequency and Treatment by Provider Type

Between 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, among respondents with mental health–related outpatient visits, no statistically significant shifts occurred in the types of treatment received during visits with PCPs, both PCPs and SMHPs, or other providers (Table 4). Overall, the percentage of respondents receiving only psychotropic medication significantly decreased (from 39.3% to 36.4%, p=0.002). Among those with visits with only SMHPs, the percentage receiving only psychotropic medication also decreased (from 16.3% to 13.4%, p=0.016) and the percentage receiving both psychotropic medication and psychotherapy or mental health counseling increased (from 55.5% to 59.8%, p=0.051). Among respondents with any mental health–related outpatient visits with a psychiatrist, the percentage receiving only psychotropic medications decreased from 22.1% to 18.3% (p=0.021) (Table 5). We did not find any evidence that the intensity of treatment, as indicated by the number of visits, changed over time (Tables 4 and 5).
TABLE 4. Trends in U.S. outpatient mental health services visit frequency and type of treatment by provider type, 2008–2011 and 2012–2015a
 2008–20112012–2015Adjusted difference
Mental health visit categoryN%N%Coeff.b95% CIp
Any mental health services use (N=13,111)       
 No. of visits5,8486.77,2636.9.31−.27, .89.295
 Type of treatment       
   Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medicationc4,52881.25,48280.9−.41−2.05, 1.23.624
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and a nonpsychotropic medicationc3,04253.54,00755.22.37−.05, 4.79.055
  Only psychotropic medicationd2,33139.32,57936.4−3.43−5.54, −1.32.002
  Only psychotherapy or mental health counseling62712.079911.3−.59−2.10, .92.444
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and psychotropic medication2,19737.32,90339.42.22−.21, 4.66.074
Only mental health visits with a primary care physician (PCP) (N=3,747)       
 No. of visits1,8022.41,9452.4−.05−.34, .24.732
 Type of treatment       
  Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medicationc1,52389.11,61387.8−.82−3.33, 1.69.522
  Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and a nonpsychotropic medicationc1135.81276.8.82−1.34, 2.98.454
  Only psychotropic medicationd1,43382.61,50979.9−2.04−4.99, .90.173
  Only psychotherapy or mental health counseling20.820.9.00−.76, .761.00
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and psychotropic medication904.81045.6.72−1.28, 2.72.479
Only mental health visits with a specialty mental health provider (SMHP) (N=6,691)       
 No. of visits2,9328.63,7599.3.74−.18, 1.66.116
 Type of treatment       
  Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medicationc2,18877.62,79979.21.08−1.67, 3.83.440
  Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and a nonpsychotropic medicationc2,34780.83,09183.52.89.12, 5.66.041
  Only psychotropic medicationd50716.354913.4−3.12−5.65, −.58.016
  Only psychotherapy or mental health counseling48918.661717.0−1.25−3.74, 1.24.322
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and psychotropic medication1,68155.52,25059.83.53−.01, 7.08.051
Only mental health visits with other providers (N=958)       
 No. of visits6673.91,0483.9.02−.70, .74.953
 Type of treatment       
  Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medicationc39967.859567.3−1.04−6.53, 4.46.710
  Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and a nonpsychotropic medicationc23935.738434.4−.75−6.75, 5.25.806
  Only psychotropic medicationd29145.142445.2−.83−7, 5.35.793
  Only psychotherapy or mental health counseling9614.914213.4−1.38−5.74, 2.98.535
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and psychotropic medication10816.217115.0−1.12−5.69, 3.45.630
Data are from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). MEPS pooled person weights were used to calculate means and totals. PCP specialties included family medicine, general practitioner, general internists, general pediatricians, as well as obstetricians and gynecologists. SMHPs included psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. Other providers included other physician specialties, nurse practitioners, and other provider types (e.g., physician assistant, licensed practical nurse). Differences and their statistical significance levels were calculated from linear regressions with MEPS survey weights, strata, and primary sampling units. Differences were adjusted for gender, age group, race-ethnicity, and income.
Coeff., coefficient.
Respondent could have received another type of nonpsychotropic medication during visit.
Respondent did not receive any other type of treatment during visit.
TABLE 5. Trends in U.S. outpatient mental health services visits with psychiatrists and treatment types among respondents to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 2008–2011 and 2012–2015a
 2008–20112012–2015Adjusted difference
Mental health visit categoryN%N%Coeff.b95% CIp
Any treatment by psychiatrists (N=5,537)       
 No. of visits2,4649.23,0739.6.43−.69, 1.55.452
 Type of treatment       
��� Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medicationc2,15989.12,66389.8.39−1.98, 2.77.746
  Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and a nonpsychotropic medicationc1,85975.82,39679.03.21−.34, 6.76.076
  Only psychotropic medicationd55522.158718.3−3.82−7.06, −.59.021
  Only psychotherapy or mental health counseling1968.82517.9−.69−2.78, 1.40.515
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and psychotropic medication1,60464.82,07668.43.19−.84, 7.21.120
Only treatment by psychiatrist (N=3,709)       
 No. of visits1,6855.62,0245.6−.01−.69, .66.973
 Type of treatment       
  Psychotropic and nonpsychotropic medicationc1,44287.51,70687.9.06−3.11, 3.23.970
  Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and a nonpsychotropic medicationc1,19270.11,45872.62.26−2.39, 6.91.339
  Only psychotropic medicationd44526.848823.8−2.87−7.16, 1.42.189
  Only psychotherapy or mental health counseling1489.61939.2−.09−2.96, 2.77.948
   Psychotherapy/mental health counseling and psychotropic medication99758.01,21861.02.29−2.66, 7.23.363
Data are from the MEPS, and MEPS pooled person weights were used to calculate percentages and differences. Differences and their statistical significance levels were calculated from linear regressions with MEPS survey weights, strata, and primary sampling units. Differences were adjusted for gender, age group, race-ethnicity, and income.
Coeff., coefficient.
Respondent could have received another type of nonpsychotropic medication during visit.
Respondent did not receive any other type of treatment during visit.

Trends in Outpatient Mental Health Visits Stratified by Demographic Groups

Using a stratified analysis of outpatient mental health visit trends over the two periods, we found significant differences in these temporal trends across different demographic groups. First, the percentage of women with any outpatient mental health visit increased by 1.9 percentage points (p<0.001) from 2008–2011 to 2012–2015, whereas the corresponding increase for men was only 0.8 percentage points (p<0.01). Second, older adult and higher-income respondents had 1.7 (p<0.001) and 2.1 (p<0.001) percentage point increases, respectively, in outpatient mental health care visits, which were higher than for younger respondents (1.15 percentage points for 18–39 years old and 1.36 percentage points for 40–64 years old, both p<0.001) and respondents with lower income (1 percentage point, p<0.001). Third, among mental health services users, older and female respondents had 8.6 (p<0.01) and 4.5 (p<0.01) percentage point decreases in having visits only with PCPs. Fourth, having a visit with another provider increased by 4.5 (p<0.001), 3.8 (p<0.01), and 3.8 (p<0.001) percentage points among female, younger, and non-Hispanic white respondents, respectively.


Between the 2008–2011 and 2012–2015 periods, mental health–related outpatient visits for adults increased overall, and the percentages of visits with both PCPs and SMHPs remained relatively stable. The percentage of visits with only PCPs decreased, and the percentage with other providers and only SMHPs increased. These trends persisted even when stratified by degree of psychological distress. We also identified a decrease in the percentage of respondents being treated only with psychotropic medications and an increase in the percentage of respondents being treated with a combination of psychotropic medications and psychotherapy or mental health counseling.
Our findings differ from those of recent research reporting that most adults who use outpatient mental health services are treated only by general medical professionals (12). This difference could be explained by different definitions of mental health services and by the inclusion of the other-provider category in the present study. The other study used data from the MEPS-HC covering three periods (2004–2005, 2009–2010, and 2014–2015), as opposed to our continuous use from 2008 to 2015. Moreover, unlike in the present study, the authors of the previous report defined their groups in hierarchical categories, including psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, (i.e. psychologists and social workers), and general medical professionals only. Also contrary to the recently published study (12), we did not find a significant increase in treatment with psychotropic medications.
We acknowledge several limitations of this study. First, the MEPS-HC relies on participant recall and may underestimate mental health care service use, although a provider survey verifies reported service use. Second, the response rate for the full-year file of the MEPS decreased between 2008 and 2015 from 59.3% to 47.7% (28). We also acknowledge nonresponse as a limitation, but sampling weights can adjust for nonresponses (29). Third, the K6 includes only depression and anxiety symptoms and may underestimate rates of serious mental illness. Additionally, the K6 may misclassify adults who are being effectively treated, so the potential for misclassification bias exists (i.e., they may be flagged as having high psychological distress on the basis of a response to a K6 that does not reflect a posttreatment score) (30). Fourth, the MEPS does not indicate within what settings and specialties the advanced-practice providers, including NPs and PAs, are practicing and therefore could be undercounting the number of specialty mental health practice settings. Last, the periods included in our analysis (2008–2011 and 2012–2015) are somewhat brief. However, we were limited by a redesign in the MEPS that was implemented in 2008 and by the transition to ICD-10 coding that was implemented in 2016. Thus, we used the broadest possible periods whose data are not affected by changes in survey design and coding.
Further research is needed that examines the practice settings for the other-provider category, which represents a significant share of the increased proportion of mental health services during the two periods examined here. For example, among respondents with low or no psychological distress, the significant increase in the proportion of outpatient mental health visits with other providers and the decrease in the proportion of visits with primary care providers warrant further investigation. The expansion of the collaborative care model, which embeds psychiatry into primary care and sometimes specialty settings, will likely affect where patients receive mental health services (7, 31). It is possible that other providers, including NPs and PAs, are working as psychiatric consultants on collaborative care teams and are getting referrals from primary care.
Additionally, as reported in previous studies using different data sets such as the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (32), we did find that a substantial percentage of respondents with high psychological distress did not report having had a previous mental health visit. This finding could mean that people in need of mental health services are not accessing the treatment they need, which has significant policy implications in support of evolving models of care, including optimal utilization of NPs. Both primary care NPs (33, 34) and PMH APRNs, who composed more than one-quarter of the psychiatric workforce in 2018 (18), are providing mental health services. PMH APRNs have the education, training, and licensure to meet the needs for assessment, diagnosis, psychotherapeutic and psychotherapy interventions, and psychotropic medication treatment (23). Starting in January 2017, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services began paying clinicians for behavioral health integration services that include NPs and PAs as psychiatric consultants (35). However, further research is needed to identify the facilitators and barriers of high-quality behavioral health care among NPs. One study found that NPs receive significantly more mental health–related visits than physicians in community health centers in states with independent practice authority (33).


The sweeping mental health policy and practice changes over the past decade have created an upsurge in the use of outpatient mental health services. We found that between 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, among MEPS respondents with mental health–related outpatient visits, the percentage of respondents who visited only PCPs decreased and that the percentage of those who visited only other providers increased. We also found that among respondents who had visits only with SMHPs, the percentage treated only with psychotropic medications decreased and that the percentage treated with both psychotropic medications and psychotherapy or mental health counseling increased.


Drs. Busch and Golberstein acknowledge support from the National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH-106635) to conduct this work.
The authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.

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Information & Authors


Published In

Go to Psychiatric Services
Go to Psychiatric Services
Psychiatric Services
Pages: 1127 - 1135
PubMed: 32907475


Received: 26 November 2019
Revision received: 27 February 2020
Accepted: 10 April 2020
Published online: 10 September 2020
Published in print: November 01, 2020


  1. Outpatient treatment
  2. Community psychiatry
  3. Outpatient mental health
  4. Adult mental health
  5. Mental health workforce



Hayley D. Germack, Ph.D. [email protected]
Department of Acute and Tertiary Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh (Germack); Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh (Drake, Donohue); Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Golberstein); Department of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut (Busch).
Coleman Drake, Ph.D.
Department of Acute and Tertiary Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh (Germack); Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh (Drake, Donohue); Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Golberstein); Department of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut (Busch).
Julie M. Donohue, Ph.D.
Department of Acute and Tertiary Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh (Germack); Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh (Drake, Donohue); Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Golberstein); Department of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut (Busch).
Ezra Golberstein, Ph.D.
Department of Acute and Tertiary Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh (Germack); Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh (Drake, Donohue); Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Golberstein); Department of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut (Busch).
Susan H. Busch, Ph.D.
Department of Acute and Tertiary Care, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh (Germack); Department of Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh (Drake, Donohue); Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Golberstein); Department of Health Policy and Management, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut (Busch).


Send correspondence to Dr. Germack ([email protected]).

Competing Interests

This article is based on a poster session at the annual research meeting of AcademyHealth, June 3, 2019, Washington, D.C.

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