

Usługi prawne

Warsaw, Mazowieckie 643 obserwujących

Tech-savvy, deeply knowledgeable about the IT world and fluent in its language.


_Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski sp. k. is a premium law firm specializing in the digital sector, offering expert advice to IT, technology and e-commerce clients on a wide range of IT/IP, commercial, corporate, data protection, privacy, compliance, employment, and M&A matters. We provide comprehensive support to clients in the tech sector, covering everything from market entry, company formation and employee recruitment to addressing corporate and employment matters, ensuring data protection and managing IT implementations, including cloud and fintech projects. Our expertise lies in M&A transactions within the digital sector, data protection and e-commerce. With extensive experience in assisting foreign investors entering and conducting business in Poland through our Nordic Desk and UKR/BY Desk, we are well-equipped to guide you through the process. We are consistently recommended by prestigious international legal rankings, including the Legal500 EMEA, Chambers Europe, Chambers Global and WWL (Who's Who Lawyer). Our goal is to be the best in the market, consistently going above and beyond to deliver not just top-notch service, but also unwavering dedication and care to our clients. This is why we concentrate on a select few core specialisations and build a network of experts and Of Counsels. Our objective is to establish a company that we would personally want to be a part of and whose services we would desire to use. We aim to draw the finest legal talent in the industry with engaging projects and a positive work environment. Considering that we dedicate most of our lives to work, it is indeed fulfilling to spend that time alongside intelligent and enjoyable individuals.

Usługi prawne
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Warsaw, Mazowieckie
Spółka cywilna
Data założenia


Pracownicy _Just_LAW


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    643 obserwujących

    📢 12 lipca w Dzienniku Urzędowym UE opublikowano AI Act. To przełomowe rozporządzenie ustanawia zharmonizowane przepisy dotyczące sztucznej inteligencji, wchodzące w życie już 1 sierpnia 2024 r. 🤖 AI Act to pierwszy na świecie tak wszechstronny akt prawny regulujący rozwój, wprowadzanie do obrotu, oddawanie do użytku i wykorzystywanie systemów sztucznej inteligencji w UE. Jego celem jest zapewnienie, że systemy AI będą bezpieczne i zgodne z zasadami etyki, co zagwarantuje przestrzeganie podstawowych praw człowieka, takich jak prawo do niedyskryminacji oraz ochrony danych osobowych i prywatności. Ponadto celem AI Act ma być wspieranie innowacji i zapewnienie swobodnego przepływu towarów i usług opartych na AI w Unii Europejskiej. 💡 Jako rozporządzenie unijne AI Act będzie stosowany bezpośrednio, co oznacza, że nie wymaga implementacji do prawa krajowego za pomocą odrębnych aktów prawnych. ➡️ AI Act ma zastosowanie do podmiotów, takich jak dostawcy, importerzy, dystrybutorzy i producenci. Wymagania, które muszą zostać spełnione są zróżnicowane i zależą od roli danego podmiotu. Najważniejsze obowiązki spoczywają na dostawcach systemów AI oraz podmiotach stosujących systemy AI, czyli organizacjach wykorzystujących je w swojej działalności. 🔎 Jakie kroki należy podjąć, jeśli korzystasz z systemów AI? 1. Zidentyfikuj systemy AI wykorzystywane lub planowane w swojej organizacji. 2. Określ swoją rolę, np. dostawcy czy podmiotu stosującego system AI. 3. Określ ryzyko związane z każdym systemem AI (szczególnie pod kątem zakazanych systemów AI oraz systemów AI wysokiego ryzyka). 4. Przygotuj się na spełnienie wymogów zgodnie z odpowiednią kategorią ryzyka systemu AI i rolą, w której występujesz (przez ścisłe wymogi dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, nadzoru i zgodności z przepisami, po obowiązek przestrzegania zasad równości i niedyskryminacji czy wymogi dotyczące przejrzystości). 5. Zadbaj o odpowiednie kompetencje personelu w zakresie wykorzystania systemów AI zgodnie z prawem i aktualną wiedzą techniczną. 6. Monitoruj terminy wdrożenia poszczególnych wymagań. 💡 W kolejnych postach będziemy przybliżać AI Act oraz wynikające z niego szczegółowe obowiązki. 💡Wyjaśnimy również, jak bezpiecznie korzystać z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji już teraz. Zgodność rozwiązań AI z prawem to nie tylko AI Act! 📧 Jeśli masz pytania związane z AI – napisz do nas na adres office@justlaw.pl. Pomagamy podmiotom zarówno oferującym systemy AI, jak i stosującym takie systemy. #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #_Just_LAW_AI #AI #AIAct

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    643 obserwujących

    📢 Great news! We would like to congratulate the Alioth Group for entering into a strategic partnership with Play of Battle SA, a gaming company👏, and thank them for their trust in _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski sp.k.🤝   We can't wait to see the playable demo! 🖥   💡 Alioth Group is a consortium of industrial and technological companies founded by Krystian Ziec, a reserve colonel and F-16 pilot instructor who was the first in the country to be granted the right to conduct basic and tactical training on F-16 aircraft. 🛩 Meanwhile, Play of Battle, the result of a collaboration between renowned geopolitician Jacek Bartosiak and Polish studio Noobz from Poland S.A., is the title of a game that combines elements of grand strategy wargames with RTS (real-time strategy). 💻   💡 Alioth will not only strengthen the project financially, but will also actively participate in its development. The decision to provide capital underlines Alioth's commitment to supporting innovative projects that have the potential for social and market impact.   The _Just_LAW team led by Daniel Jastrun (partner), together with Agnieszka Rapcewicz CIPP/E (counsel) and Bartosz Kurzec (associate) advised Alioth Group on all legal aspects of the transaction. ✒   Krystian Ziec, Jacek Bartosiak, Jarosław Kotowski   #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #tech_savvy #AliothGroup #PlayofBattle #innovation #strategic_partnership

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    643 obserwujących

    📢We are growing! _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski sp.k. is pleased to introduce Natalia Nader as our new partner! 🎉 💡Natalia Nader is an accomplished lawyer (advocate) with over a decade of experience in a range of legal areas, including new technology law, IT contracts, media law, corporate matters, e-commerce regulation, and data protection. Prior to joining the _Just_LAW team, Natalia headed the TMT & Data Protection department at Everberg Law Firm for almost four years. Before that, she was an in-house lawyer at Agora S.A., one of Poland’s leading media groups. Natalia’s bio can be found here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dix-SUfP. 💡 At _Just_LAW Natalia will develop our IT and media practice, bringing her extensive expertise and innovative approach to the team. Please join us in welcoming Natalia to the team! 👋 #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #NewPartner #ITLaw #MediaLaw #IPLAW #WelcomeNatalia

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    643 obserwujących

    📢 By 24 September, 2024, companies with at least 50 employees or companies providing, among others, financial services (regardless of the number of employees) must adopt an internal whistleblowing and follow-up procedure that complies with the requirements of the Polish Whistleblower Protection Act. 💡 A whistleblower is a person who reports or publicly discloses information about a violation of the law obtained in a work-related context. In particular, a whistleblower may be an employee or a person performing work on a basis other than employment, including on the basis of a civil law contract. Reported violations of the law may relate in particular to corruption, financial services, products and markets 💶, anti-money laundering and terrorist financing 💰 , consumer protection or privacy and personal data protection 📱 . The catalogue of violations that can be reported by whistleblowers ultimately does not include labour law violations. 💡 In addition, a given legal entity may provide, as part of the internal reporting procedure, provide for the possibility of reporting information on violations of its internal rules or ethical standards that the legal entity has established on the basis of generally applicable laws and continues to comply with. 📍 The internal reporting procedure must be adopted primarily by legal entities for which at least 50 persons perform paid work on 1 January or 1 July  of a given year. The number of 50 persons performing paid work for a legal entity includes full-time employees or persons performing work for remuneration on a basis other than employment, if they do not employ other persons for such work, regardless of the basis of employment. 💡 Regardless of the number of employees, an internal procedure must be established by legal entities that carry out activities in the areas of financial services, products and markets 💵 , combating money laundering and terrorist financing 💰 , transport safety 🚚 and environmental protection 🍀 . 💡 According to the law, private group entities may establish a common procedure for internal reporting provided that the activities carried out are in compliance with the law 📑. 🤔 If you would like to know more about the obligations imposed by the law on the protection of whistleblowers, or if you would like assistance in establishing internal procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us: office@justlaw.pl or Agnieszka Rapcewicz CIPP/E. #whistleblowers #compliance #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski

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    643 obserwujących

    📢 Exciting News! 🎉   _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski sp.k. and Slawomir Kowalski have been recommended in the prestigious Ranking of Law Firms conducted by Rzeczpospolita, a renowned Polish daily. 🏆   We are delighted that our Privacy and Data Protection Department has been ranked 2nd (law firms with up to 50 employees). 🥈 In turn, Slawomir Kowalski, co-founding partner, was recommended individually. 🏅   This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and our dedication to providing the highest quality legal services. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our clients, partners and team members who have supported us on this journey. 🙏   At _Just_LAW, we continue to strive for the highest standards in the practice of law, and this award motivates us to push the boundaries even further.   Thank you for your confidence and support. 🤝 We look forward to continuing to serve you with the same passion and dedication.   #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #LawFirmsRanking #Rzeczpospolita #SławomirKowalski #LawFirm #Recognition

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    643 obserwujących

    Thank you, Swedish-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Jerry Ralowski, for inviting the founding partner of _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski, Daniel Jastrun, to participate in this event. 🇸🇪 🇵🇱 It was a pleasure for us. 👏 #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #Sweden #investments

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Swedish-Polish Chamber of Commerce; grafika

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    ❇ Doing business in Poland. What an event it was 🎯! First of all the subject itself - Poland is Europe`s tiger economy 📈 , a great destination for foreign direct investment and nearshoring as well as an important IT and Tech hub 🚀. Add a uniquely engaged and knowledgable group of attendees 👏, a truly great moderator, fabulous speakers and panelists 🌟 and on top of it all - tremendous networking! Stay tuned for the recording, courtesy of our multi-talented technical wizard Mats Waara, Founder and Owner of Iderum. You will be able to relive or to discover all the superb contributions by: ▶️ H. E. Joanna Hofman, Ambasador of the Republic of Poland to Sweden ▶️ Sebastian Magier, Head of Foreign Trade Section, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) ▶️ Mateusz Rzeszowski, Director Legal and Investor Service, Special Economic Zone in Katowice ▶️ Jan Prejsnar, Founder and CEO, ARPI Accounting ▶️ Daniel Jastrun, Founding Partner, Just_LAW ▶️ Katarzyna Sarba, Senior Consultant, B2B Marketing & Go-To Market Strategies ▶️ Przemysław Piela, Founder & CEO, Hugin Consulting ▶️ Tuomas Asunmaa, Founder and CEO, Spondeo ▶️ Magdalena Adamczuk, Head od EU Grants Department and Co-Founder, Tax & Tech Kraft ▶️Oleksandr Fomenko, Managing Director for CEE region, Lyvia Group ▶️ Peter Senkus, Adjunct Professor, University of Warsaw, management consultant, artificial intelligence researcher and business transformation leader ▶️ Katarzyna Udd, DipM ACIM, Partner, Explore Markets ▶️ Gerard Stańczak, Founder and CEO, Relout ▶️ Barbara Lipinska, Polish PR specialist in Sweden, Manager, Solski Communications. They are all available here at LinkedIn for contacts. We also wish to thank #KonferensTorsgatan for providing the facilities, Himmelska.se for the legendary bakery products 🎂 🍰, Rafael Dolega for automating confirmations of registrations on Linkedin and, once again, digital facilitator Mats Waara for the audio-visual presentation 🎥. Our deepest gratitude goes to H.E. Joanna Hofman for inviting the attendees to an informal reception at the Polish Embassy, https://lnkd.in/dTGAZT7y! Finally - we hope to see you all again at our next free of charge event at Bonnierhuset and online, “Retail and e-commerce – new habits, new opportunities” on the 9th of September. We will publish the full program on Wednesday. #networkingevent #onlineevent

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    643 obserwujących

    We share our knowledge ❗ Daniel Jastrun (partner) and Agnieszka Rapcewicz CIPP/E (counsel) of _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski are the authors of the chapter on Poland in the second edition of the ITech Startup legal playbook published by the ITech Startup Committee. 📑 The report covers 63 jurisdictions and ranges from corporate structure to IP, data protection, employment and AI regulations. 📱 You can download it here 👉 https://lnkd.in/ei2yJR_x We would like to thank ITechLaw Association and Axel Anderl for inviting us to participate in this project. 🤝 #_Just_LAW #Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #ITechLaw #startup #AI

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika _Just_LAW; grafika

    643 obserwujących

    📢 On 23 May, the Polish Parliament (Sejm) passed a law on the protection of whistleblowers. It will now go to the Senate (the upper house of Parliament), so there is a chance that before the holidays we will finally see the transposition of the Whistleblower Directive into Polish law. 💡Those who have not yet adopted an internal procedure for reporting and following up on violations of the law should do so without delay. We are talking about companies with at least 50 employees or companies operating in certain sectors, i.e. in the financial services industry, products and markets 💳 , anti-money laundering and terrorist financing 💰 , transport safety 🚚 or environmental protection 🍀 📌 The Polish legislator has not decided to make anonymous reporting mandatory, but legal entities may implement such a solution on a voluntary basis. ⏱ Most of the law’s provisions are expected to come into force within three months of its publication. 🤔 If you need support in implementing a whistleblower protection system in your organisation or have any questions regarding the new law, please feel free to contact us: office@justlaw.pl or Agnieszka Rapcewicz CIPP/E. #whistleblowers #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski

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    643 obserwujących

    Kolejne wydarzenie z reprezentacją _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski przed nami. Agnieszka Rapcewicz CIPP/E (counsel) wystąpi na II Konferencji pt. „Audyt zgodności systemu ochrony danych osobowych z RODO”, która odbędzie się w formie on-line 7 czerwca 2024 r. Serdecznie zapraszamy do rejestracji i obejrzenia prelekcji naszej ekspertki: https://lnkd.in/dRC8zn5e   #_Just_LAW #_Just_LAW_Jastrun_Kowalski #RODO #GDPR #dane_osobowe #audyt

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    643 obserwujących

    Let’s meet at "Doing business in Poland" seminar! 📢 We are heading to Stockholm 🇸🇪 to attend in an event organised by the Swedish-Polish Chamber of Commerce. Daniel Jastrun, a founding partner of _Just_LAW Jastrun Kowalski and our M&A expert, will be one of the speakers and will give a lecture on "Legal issues and intercultural differences of particular importance for foreign investors".💰 You can find more information on the event here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dPArev9R Please feel free to contact Daniel to chat on legal and non-legal issues! ☕   #Just_LAW #mergersandacquisitions #investments #Sweden

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