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causative's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
56 votes

The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in most sciences

40 votes

My CO2 emissions in the light of Russia burning thousands of tons of it a day

35 votes

We know Classical Mechanics is wrong. But can we also say every other theory is wrong except the Theory of Everything?

32 votes

Obvious wrongness of Aristotle

30 votes

Is there such a thing as weak evidence?

24 votes

What is the name of the fallacy where people assume that complex ideas are automatically better?

23 votes

If Socrates said he was ignorant but was in fact knowledgeable, was he simply a liar?

19 votes

An argument in favor of the existence of God

19 votes

Is there any counterexample given against radical skepticism?

18 votes

What is information?

16 votes

Does absence of evidence mean evidence of absence?

15 votes

Is it ever rational to stumble onto the conjunction fallacy in probability?

15 votes

Can randomness create patterns?

14 votes

Is it a "shifting of the burden of proof" if I show evidence in favor of a position, and ask the audience to debate that evidence if they disagree?

14 votes

Multidimensional utility

14 votes

Do all systems of ethics boil down to maximizing pleasure and/or minimizing suffering?

13 votes

Are there any fallacies in Stephen C. Meyer's argument for classical theism from the Big Bang singularity?

11 votes

Is the Skeptic's Prayer a valid scientific experiment?

11 votes

Isn’t everything absurdly improbable?

10 votes

Is it consistent to say "X is possible but false"?

9 votes

Is there anything more fundamental than quantification?

9 votes

What do professional philosophers mean by physicalism or "everything is physical"

9 votes

What, if anything, is the flaw in SMBC's "happiness-3" comic?

9 votes

If we encounter what appears to be an advanced extraterrestrial technological device, would the claim that it was designed be falsifiable?

9 votes

Should I ever be influenced by an argument that I can't understand?

9 votes

Why do some physicalists use the Turing Machine as a model of the brain?

8 votes

Should the evidence of OBEs and NDEs increase our epistemic probability of non-physicalist views of consciousness?

8 votes

Orderings in Philosophy

8 votes

Can the simplicity of a hypothesis be objectively measured?

8 votes

Has Scientism drastically declined as a worldview in the last 100 years?

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