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Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
Geoffrey Thomas
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • UK
64 votes

Since words are defined in terms of other words in dictionaries, leading to infinite loops, does it mean natural languages are meaningless?

51 votes

Is the "legacy" of Marx & Engels unwarranted?

51 votes

Does the no true Scotsman fallacy apply to anti Stalinist etc. communism?

45 votes

Why is a lion not evil?

35 votes

How can a person truly love another if hard determinism is true?

34 votes

When is absence of evidence not evidence of absence?

27 votes

Did the Ancient Greek Philosophers actually believe in their Gods and Myths?

26 votes

How are workers exploited when they have a choice in working for a boss?

21 votes

Can an argument be valid even though one of its premises is false?

20 votes

Are we sinners because we sin or do we sin because we are sinners?

19 votes

How can one not believe in god as the root cause of the universe?

18 votes

How come nihilism is so popular today?

16 votes

Why do atheist euthanasia proponents consider nothingness preferable to suffering?

14 votes

Does human life have innate value over that of other animals?

14 votes

Did Logical Positivism fail because it simply denied human emotion?

11 votes

If you place a pencil in an opaque box and close the box, does the pencil exist?

11 votes

Did Plato believe in reincarnation?

10 votes

What is the term for the fallacy/strategy of ignoring logical reasoning intended to disprove a belief?

10 votes

What sentence convinced Russell that Wittgenstein was not a "complete idiot"?

9 votes

Buddhism in Phaedo

9 votes

"I have lied but I am not a liar, and I have done bad things but I am not a bad man."

9 votes

Is there a term for the belief that what is popular in society defines what is moral?

9 votes

Is using analogies a bad logic reasoning?

8 votes

Is verificationism dead?

8 votes

Self-interest leading to the public interest via the invisible hand?- Adam Smith

8 votes

Is fascism intrinsically violent?

8 votes

I'm being drafted to the military but I have the option to refuse (legally), would it be immoral for me to serve?

8 votes

Can a fact be ambiguous?

8 votes

What is actual is a metaphysical necessity?

8 votes

Is there any literature discussing whether all conscious entities are separate, discrete experiencers or a single experiencer?

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