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Unanswered Questions

54 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
6 answers

Do percentages of negative things in a given sample matter more or less than the quantity of negative things?

Do percentages of negative things in a given sample matter more or less than the quantity of negative things? And is there a name for this concept? Is it some sort of fallacy to appeal to percentages? ...
4 votes
2 answers

If moral statements aren't supposed to be reports of objective facts, does the practice of "fallacy checking" apply to moral arguments?

Maybe this is just a case of Jörgensen’s dilemma, but so I was reading the SEP article about feminist perspectives on argumentation, more specifically this passage: The difficulty some philosophers ...
3 votes
0 answers

Do use/mention errors actually happen?

It is commonplace to see warnings in introductory philosophy texts about not confusing use and mention, but I can't imagine how any reasonably analytical thinker could make such an error, so I've ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is there a word for the type of rhetorical strategy where you distract from the point in order to seem authoritative?

Is there a word for distracting someone from the topic of the argument, and using the authority they have established in the mean time to (fallaciously) prove their original point? An example I ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is the name of the "undeserved profits" fallacy?

I see this type of inference made a lot, for example in the context of distributional justice: A makes an investment. A thinks this investment was a rational decision, until he learns that B also ...
3 votes
0 answers

Names for most popular taxonomies of informal fallacies?

Informal fallacies are not formal, so as might be expected, there exists no prevailing standard taxonomy. Various books on logic and logical fallacies organize fallacies differently (see chapter ...
2 votes
0 answers

Name for the fallacy where a person claims that bias always proves the opposite?

I'm unsure how to word this as usual. An example of what I'm talking about would be: X claims that the dicerolls in a video game are biased. Y claims it only appears so because of negativity bias, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Attacker accuses the defender. What fallacy is going on here?

Suppose one country, the aggressor, launches a missile attack against another country, the defender. During the attack, the defender activates its anti-missile defense system and successfully shoots ...
2 votes
0 answers

What is the official name of the "but sometimes" logical fallacy or cognative bias?

Context We often put equal importance on differing options, without taking factors such as frequency or risk into account. Examples Traffic Lights In their video The LED Traffic Light and the Danger ...
2 votes
3 answers

What logical fallacy is "if some of my enemies/adversaries affirm my claim then it is correct"?

I apologize if this question has been asked before or if the question is poorly worded. Consider the following situations: (1) two religious sects, say X and Y are fiercely adversaries. To convince ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is it an Appeal to Pity if a defense attorney evidences misfortune of the defendant?

Source: p 236-237, With Good Reason, An Introduction to Informal Fallacies (2000 6 ed) by York U. Prof. S. Morris Engel   The trouble with such appeals [to Pity] is that, however are, they may ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why is "appeal to nature" a fallacy?

Appeal to nature states that just because something is natural doesn't mean it is right (ethical). Morality is not objective but the existence of this fallacy attempts to objectively define morality ...
1 vote
2 answers

Does this statement constitute various fallacies? Is my delineation correct?

Person 1:"Man, J____, M____, and L____ tend to work at a cumbersome pace." Person 2:"Yeah, they're lazy, obviously"* LJ, M & L share similar characteristics in terms of skin ...
1 vote
0 answers

Large cardinals and in intellectu existence?

I have had some success in the philosophy of mathematics. Briefly I compare Cantor's sets to the clear and distinct ideas of Descartes which is regarded as philosophically rigorous work; on the other ...
1 vote
0 answers

fallacy for shifting among multiple premises in argument without defending any

Has any name been assigned for a class of informal fallacy (or cognitive bias) in which someone shifts in dialog between use of various premises to support an argument, without ever allowing any to be ...

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